Friday, May 3, 2013

5/6 weeks

How far along? 5/6 weeks
Baby's size?Appleseed/sweet pea
Total weight gain:Starting pregnancy weight: 148.6lbs  Now: 148.6lbs
Stretchmarks:I never got rid of the stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity Clothes:Nope
Gender:Don't think we'll find out
Sleep: Good
Symptoms:Occasional nausea,extreme tiredness, occasionally cramping but they've gotten better and get them a lot less often now.
Food Aversions:None
Food Cravings: Water
Best Moments this week: Nothing really. It's been a boring week pregnancy wise
What I miss:Nothing, so thankful to be pregnant again
What I am looking forward to:Doctors appointment in a couple weeks.

Nothing's really happened this week. The cramping has pretty much stopped and the nausea has lessened. I'm back to not really feeling pregnant like last time and it's a little worrying. With all my other pregnancies I've always been super hungry which is why I've always gained weight quickly (10 lbs in by 11 weeks last time!) I haven't been hungry at all lately, in fact my appetite is less then before. At this point I'm trying not to stress or think about my symptoms. I've come to except that whatever is going to happen will happen. I'm keeping my hopes low because with all the losses we've had, lets face it the odds are not on my side. Hopefully this will lessen the disappointment if the pregnancy doesn't work out. 10 days until my first doctors appointment. Hopefully they will do an ultrasound and maybe see the baby. I'm not going to be concerned if we don't see anything as it's not a high tech ultrasound and I may be as little as 6 weeks for that appointment.

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