Friday, May 24, 2013

Beating heart

Hopefully this will work ok, I'm writing on the iPad which sometimes gives me trouble.
The appointment went great today. I got there at 3:35 and was sent straight into the room. It was a different doctor so she went over the blood work and said it all looks great and she was happy with the significant rise. Then she got out the ultrasound machine and tried to find the baby. It took a little work but she managed to find it and then showed me on the screen and pointed out the heartbeat. She wasn't very happy with the quality of the image and therefor couldn't get a good measurement so she's sending me for a proper dating ultrasound and I've made an appointment to go back and see them in 4 weeks but she made sure I was being honest about seeing the heartbeat and I said yes, I'd seen enough ultrasounds to know what it looked like. They're going to contact with me with the date and time of the ultrasound but I'm hoping it'll be in about 2 weeks. When she said she was sending me for a proper ultrasound I didn't
ask to come back early as I figured I would be able to know if there's a heartbeat then.

Taking it one day at a time. I'm happy we've made it far enough that there's a heartbeat and hopefully this pregnancy will continue to progress. She gave me the prenatal blood work and discussed if we'd want to do genetic testing. I said I'd talk it over with Dan first but we did with Hailey and did not with Lauren so I had no idea what we'd do. My next appointment will be at 12 weeks and the test can do done up to 13 weeks 6 days. One step at a time for now, lets get past 10 weeks.

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