Thursday, May 16, 2013

7 weeks

How far along? 7 weeks
Baby's size?blueberry
Total weight gain:Starting pregnancy weight: 148.6lbs  Now: 148.2 (lost .4lbs)
Stretchmarks:I never got rid of the stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity Clothes:Nope
Gender:Don't think we'll find out
Sleep: not good, I seem to have very broken sleep and even though I'm exhausted can't seem to fall asleep easy.
Symptoms: Nausea. It seems to have died down a little but it's still there occasionally. Don't think I'll have my wish of trips to the bathroom to vomit :( The bloating has really started, at night I look about 24 weeks pregnant.
Food Aversions:None
Food Cravings: None
Best Moments this week: First doctor's appointment (even though it didn't go exactly as I wished, it's still a milestone)
What I miss:Nothing, so thankful to be pregnant again
What I am looking forward to: Doctor's appointment next friday for another ultrasound to see if there's a baby growing

I'm currently impatiently waiting for my second set of HCG results. I made myself promise to only check every 15 minutes, which means I've currently got 2 minutes to wait. Normally they're up by now so they must be having a busy day. This blood test was an interesting one today. The reason being that I work in a lab where we take the blood to send in and I really don't want any of my co workers to know I'm pregnant. After the doctor's appointment Monday I went to a different lab in my city and chose one person to tell and ask to enter and do the test for me. My boss wanted to talk to me about "cutting" into the cue so I had to explain to her why. She was really sympathetic and told me not to worry about it. I mentioned that I had to do another one for this morning and that I really didn't want anyone to know so my plan was to enter it as my thyroid test (same tube) have the blood taken then erase the entry, re enter as the hcg then relabel the tube. She said this was a big no no and would find out a way around it for me. I kind of started something at my work! The issue for me is I can't go to the hospital to have my blood taken because my sister works in the lab and may see the tube and the test ordered, also it doesn't really work out well for me because I can't see my results online I have to wait for them to be mailed as well as the doctor wanted the test done in the morning so I'd have to take the day off work and go to a hospital in a different city (20 minute drive). The issue really is that my strive on privacy and confidentially yet it seems like I can't have that. I'd have to tell someone I'm pregnant for them to enter and take my blood. Of course they couldn't tell anyone else for risk of being fired but after so many miscarriages I just don't want anyone to know. Up until Monday afternoon the only people who knew were Dan, myself and the followers of this blog. We've yet to tell our parents or a single friend, infact my doctor left a message Tuesday night saying my tsh was normal and since I wasn't on meds I didn't need to go in monthly for the test until I become pregnant then to go in straight away. Ooops, guess I forgot to tell my doctor too (still haven't). My boss was going to be in a meeting so we were trying to find away around it. In the end it went up to the CEO of the company and they decided that I could take my own blood but I was not allowed to enter the requisition or the tests. Since the test results need to be with the doctor this afternoon it needed to go out in our first courier run at 9:30 so we decided that I'd go in early, take my own blood, handwrite my name, etc on the tube and my boss would be in around 8:30 to quickly enter the request then leave for her meeting. This is what we ended up doing. It was a huge pain in the ass for my boss but I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am to her for doing this. It may seem minor that I'd have to tell someone I'm pregnant and in the past I've been very open about our miscarriages and am so glad I have as it's brought many women to me who haven't felt like they could talk to anyone about their fertility struggles. At some point though, I don't want to become someone people pity. If this pregnancy doesn't work out it'll be my 4th miscarriage and my 5th pregnancy loss with who knows how many afterwards. I don't want to be defined by this, yes it's a part of me and I've been very open about it but there comes a time when it just becomes too much. I just don't want to talk about this pregnancy at this point. When/if I'm ready I will, until I want to do this as privately as possible.
I've changed the weeks to 7 weeks as there's absolutely no way based of the ultrasound that I could be turning 8 weeks. Time to check if the results are in yet........ Nope, ugh it's driving me crazy! Currently 1:30, will update then publish this once they're up.

It's not looking good. For them to double they should've been at least 16 000 since it was 8128 Monday night. They're 12 560.  I called the clinic and the receptionist said one of the doctors would call me back.

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