Sunday, March 31, 2013

And it continues

The bleeding didn't stop after Tuesday. I went to work Wednesday and half way through my shift at 9am I noticed that I was getting tightness that comes and goes. I wasn't in pain but I could definitely feel my uterus tightening. I managed through the rest of my shift and my boss happened to show up at 11:30 so I let her know what was going on and that I may or may not be at work the next day. I wanted to let her know then because I didn't want her to think that I was calling in the day before a 4 day long weekend since that's not like me at all. I was worried that I'd need a D&C or ultrasound right away and if I did call in sick I didn't want her to worry if I didn't call her in the morning like I'm supposed to. She told me not to worry and if I did call in sick she wouldn't expect a call from me.

The tightness came and went the rest of the day but didn't get intensely painful more just annoying. At 5:30 I went to the washroom just after Dan got home and when I wiped there was something on the toilet paper. I knew it wasn't a blood clot and it looked like it was tissue. I knew this wasn't normal so was going to go to a walk in, take the sample and ask them if it looked like something left over from the pregnancy or if it was normal (pretty much knew it wasn't but I was in a little bit of shock.) Thankfully I had lots of unused culture container from when we tried to get a urine sample from Lauren last week so I placed the tissue in the container. We went to drop Lauren off at my mum's and she suggested we go to the hospital instead as the clinic was unlikely to be helpful. So off we went to the hospital. We arrived at 6:15 and they came to take my blood at 7. At this point I'd yet to see the doctor but apparently now their standard protocol is to do blood tests based on the symptoms to hopefully speed up the process. The doctor came in at 9:15 and having not yet spoken to me said that my HCG was 0 so the miscarriage was considered over. I pointed to the sample container sitting on the counter and told him that I'd passed that a few hours ago. He said "Oh" then said that I must've had left over tissue and he'd send it off for testing and request an ultrasound for the next day to confirm there was nothing left and that we were free to go.

This is the frustrating part about what's going on with me. I know that NORMALLY if your HCG has dropped it means the miscarriage is complete and that there's no left over tissue but my HCG was 7 on the 19th yet I managed to pass tissue a week and a half later. I've had this feeling for a few weeks now that something wasn't right. Nearly 5 weeks after a miscarriage you shouldn't still be bleeding. I don't care that my HCG's are normal, something is wrong. On the positive side because I passed the tissue there's a chance we can get genetic testing done off of it. I'm not holding out too much hope since that tissue has been hanging out in my body for nearly 5 weeks post miscarriage but you never know.

I had the ultrasound done Thursday and they basically told me that he couldn't really see anything and some doctors will just do a D&C to clear anything that could potentially be there that's unseen while others will wait it out and do another in a week or 2 if the bleeding continues.

I'm in limbo right now. The bleeding has gotten heavier and the cramping is worse. No more contractions just intense cramps that make me have to take Panadeine Forte to alleviate the pain for a few hours. I've promised myself to only take 1 or 2 a day as I hate taking drugs so most of the day I'm in pain with a few hours of relief when I can't stand it any longer. I couldn't get in to see my GP until the 9th but I'm hoping to get in sooner. At this point I think I may need to see an OBGYN. As much as I hate the thought of a D&C I'm also leaning toward this option. Something isn't right and hopefully like the ultrasound tech said it'll clear it all out and we can start fresh. Will have to just wait and see since it's a long weekend.

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