Saturday, March 9, 2013


Well none of my bloodwork went as expected yesterday. They tested my ferritin, tsh and hcg. Here's the breakdown:

Ferritin: 13 anything under 15 means anemia so it's not too bad but still low and may need to go on iron tablets.
Tsh: 1.44 were expecting it to be higher then 2.5 because I'd been off the synthroid for 2 weeks and it was 1.34 at the end of january when I was on the meds. At the moment I'm still not taking them.
Now for the most disappointing
Hcg: 34 it only dropped 30 in 4 days which means I'm still technically in the pregnant category. We were expecting a negative at this point.

I haven't spoken to my doctor yet but I do know that I'll need at least one more hcg as ill have to keep going until its under 10 which is when it's considered a negative pregnancy test. I'm ready to move on and forward in our ttc journey.

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