Monday, March 4, 2013

Home and HCG level

We arrived home yesterday morning after a long 14 hour flight. Lauren had a fever from Saturday night so we picked up some tylenol at the Sydney airport. I was so worried about the flight as it was a daytime flight and she wouldn't sleep much but maybe her being sick was a blessing as she slept quite a bit and then just sat on us watching movies most of the time she was awake. If she wasn't sick she definitely wouldn't be like that!!!

After we got home I went to a walk in clinic and asked for an HCG blood test so my doctor would have the results for my Wednesday appointment. Today I went for the test and the results were 64. This is fantastic as I'm pretty sure it'll mean I won't need a D&C and since my levels were in the 1000's just 1 week ago it'll hopefully mean I'll be officially no longer pregnant (anything under 10 is a negative pregnancy test result) by the end of the week. I find it ironic how just 2 months ago I was obsessed with my HCG levels and hoping they'd double ever 48 ish hours and now here I am hoping they fall quickly.

We haven't really talked about when we'll try again. At the moment we're waiting to make sure I don't need a D&C before moving forward. We haven't had sex (poor Dan) since I had some spotting the night I turned 12 weeks as I was fearful it was my cervix causing issues and didn't want to chance anything happening until I'd spoken to a doctor. Then after we found out there was no longer a heartbeat we didn't want to chance an infection until we know that I won't need a D&C. I'll be able to confirm this on Wednesday. After Hailey and my earlier miscarriage I read a lot about when is safe to try again. A lot say the reason for the 3 month wait is more for emotional than physical reasons. Last time I miscarried on August 15th and my LMP with Lauren was October 15th so obviously we didn't wait the 3 months and went on to have our only healthy pregnancy. At this point I'm thinking we'll not prevent for the first 2 months then start trying again afterwards but I've no idea how Dan feels about this plan.

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