Sunday, January 30, 2011

15 weeks

So I've decided to embrace this pregnancy and think positive that everything will be fine. I've decided I'm going to start doing the weekly update of what's going on with this pregnancy. Hopefully one day my son or daughter will be interested enough to read how's thing went throughout the pregnancy. 

How far along? 15 weeks
Baby's size? in fruit it says orange...... or the size of a kitkat bar.
Total Weight Gain: 8 pounds (that seems really high to me!)

Bellybutton:  in and probably will stay that way.
Stretchmarks: the colour's starting to come back in the ones from Hailey's pregnancy (on my hips)
Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants, still fit into most of my shirts.
Gender:  Don't think we'll find out
Movement: Sometimes, mostly when I'm driving (must be how I'm sitting?)
Sleep: Surprisingly pretty good. I'm normally a terrible sleeper but I do get up once or twice a night to pee.
Symptoms: I found out this week that my morning tea was making me sick! Stopped having the tea and no more morning sickness!!!!!!!
Food Aversions: Loving food at the moment, probably explains the 8 pounds!
Food Cravings: I normally hate milk but I could drink it all day.
Best Moments this week: Doppler Tuesday. I went to my mum's and let her find/hear it for the first time
What I miss: I no longer fit into my scrubs for work.
What I am Looking forward to: Hopefully getting my echo appointment date this week.

My Grandma had a really bad fall this week. Tuesday morning she was getting her breakfast and passed out. She waited until my mum got home from work (she moved in a few years ago after my grandma had fallen twice) and took her to the doctor. They did blood work, an ECG and she has a 24 hr holter booked for tomorrow. She says she's a little sore but feels ok otherwise. I have to admit she looks terrible. By Tuesday night she had a black eye that would barely open and then Thursday the other eye was black and now from her cheek to chin on the side of the first black eye is all bruised as well as the opposite side's hand. We thinks she hit the counter on the side that's really bruised and then landed on the floor on opposite side to get the sore shoulder and bruised hand. I hope they figure out what happened although I doubt they will. Unless there's a holter on at the time it happens to see if it's heart related there's no way to tell what really happened. It hasn't happened again in the past 5 days so hopefully it was just a one time thing. She turns 89 in February.

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