Tuesday, February 8, 2011

16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks
Baby's size? Avocado
Total Weight Gain: I didn't weight me this week!

Bellybutton:  in and probably will stay that way.
Stretchmarks: the colour's starting to come back in the ones from Hailey's pregnancy (on my hips)
Maternity Clothes: Switched to maternity this weekend.
Gender:  Don't think we'll find out
Movement: Occasionally
Sleep: I want to sleep at 8pm!
Symptoms: Still get occasional morning sickness/
Food Aversions: Loving food at the moment!
Food Cravings: I normally hate milk but I could drink it all day.
Best Moments this week: Got my ultrasound date yesterday!
What I miss: not feeling worried.
What I am Looking forward to: Doppler Tuesday today! And my 16 week Dr. Appointment on Thursday.

So as it says I found out I have a date for my ultrasound! It's at the same hospital as last time and I phoned the office today but the receptionist didn't know if it's for just the ultrasound or the echo too. I'm fine either way. Kind of hoping it's just an ultrasound and then we can do the echo later in the pregnancy. It's on March 8th so I'll be in my 20th week. It's kind of exciting to know that in exactly 4 weeks today we'll get to see this baby and hopefully hear it's healthy.

Dan e-mailed the city on Wednesday to ask why the marker still hadn't been placed and they replied that same day to say that there was a mix up and the order was put in my grandfathers name instead of Hailey's so they installed it the next day. I was really emotional Wednesday night because I'd always thought of this as the last little bit of closure and I kept starting to cry thinking I wasn't ready. I went to the grave Thursday and it was good. She'll always be with me and I'll never forget her no matter what.

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