Saturday, February 26, 2011

19 weeks

How far along? 19 weeks
Baby's size? Mango
Total Weight Gain: 11 lbs.... 173 lbs now.

Bellybutton:  in and probably will stay that way
Stretchmarks: the colour's starting to come back in the ones from Hailey's pregnancy (on my hips)
Maternity Clothes: Yup
Gender:  Undecided if we'll find out
Movement: Lots of little kicks now
Sleep: Depends on the night
Symptoms: Finally enjoying the second trimester
Food Aversions: None!
Food Cravings: I've been craving coffee lately. Not the caffein but the coffee taste so I've been making decaf again
Best Moments this week: Feeling the baby move when I was sad/worried
What I miss: Nothing
What I am Looking forward to: 1 week until ultrasound/echo!

I've been fighting a cold this week. It started on Monday and I'm now starting to feel better. It wasn't as bad as I'd expected and much better then the cold I had while pregnant with Hailey! I'm starting to think about if we'll find out the sex. I was going through our baby clothes and we really don't have all that much. I'm thinking I don't really want to go shopping with a newborn and at the moment I don't think there's even enough clothes to last a week. It'd be really nice to know what to buy for instead of keeping it neutral. I don't know. At least I have a little over a week to think about it.

I'm currently planning my sister's bacheloretty party so I went to the only 2 maternity stores close to my place (close means 1 being 40 minutes away.) I'm really getting frustrated. Why do they make a large portion of maternity clothes so ugly? I just want a nice simple dress to wear that isn't black and doesn't have a horrible pattern. Or even just a decent shirt I can go out with. We have to go for a bit of a drive tomorrow to pick up Dan's brother who's flying into the US so we now plan to leave earlier and stop at a few malls on our way. I try to shop as much as I can in Canada. As bad as the US economy is I'd rather help ours but I really need something. Hopefully the clothing is better down there. It's going to be a late night tomorrow for us.

Oh and while we were at one of the store here someone asked me how far along I was. I told her 19 weeks and this lady who was there with her mum overheard me and said she was too. I looked  at her stomach and then said "yeah it's my second" and she said same with her! Then her mum said "are you sure it's not twins!" I like my belly and I'm so glad I'm passed that awkward is she fat or pregnant stage. I'll put a pic up. Am I big for 19 weeks? Personally I think everyone carries differently so you can't really judge off the size of bump.

One last thing I wanted to add this week. Yesterday I was driving to work and started panicking. I was thinking about our upcoming appointment at the hospital and realized that in just over a week we could be going through the same thing again. It's really scary to think about and I was starting to cry and get upset when suddenly the baby moved into a really awkward position and it's bum or head was trying to come out of my left side. The baby doesn't move too much in the morning and it just felt like the baby was trying to tell me it'll be ok. I know that probably sounds stupid but I need to believe it at the  moment. Either way that movement made me smile and happy and after a few minutes the baby turned again and stopped moving, almost as if "ok I've made you feel better now I can go back to sleep."

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