Monday, February 14, 2011

17 weeks

How far along? 17 weeks
Baby's size? Onion
Total Weight Gain: 11lbs.... I've gained 5 in 2 weeks (I've been slacking at going to the gym)

Bellybutton:  in and probably will stay that way.
Stretchmarks: the colour's starting to come back in the ones from Hailey's pregnancy (on my hips)
Maternity Clothes: Mostly
Gender:  Don't think we'll find out
Movement: More often now
Sleep: besides getting up to pee lots sleep has been great!
Symptoms: Finally enjoying the second trimester
Food Aversions: None!
Food Cravings: I've been craving coffee lately. Not the caffein but the coffee taste so I've been making decaf again.
Best Moments this week: Felt the first kick at my doctor's appointment thursday!
What I miss: Nothing
What I am Looking forward to: 3 more weeks until ultrasound/echo

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