Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dr's appointment today

Today was my 16 week doctor's appointment. I met with the student doctor first and it seemed to be going well. After doing measurements and using the doppler we talked about my ultrasound at the hospital and I asked if it was an echo as well. She pulled up the referral and confirmation but couldn't figure out if it was or not. I did notice the message back from the hospital mentioned something about ultrasound x 2 weeks at my local hospital which I thought was a little strange. She then went to get my GP and she asked how I was doing then got straight to the point! She doesn't want me to see a mid wife and instead of going to a maternity group ( a group of GP's that deal only with pregnancy) she wants to send me to an OB. She also said that yes they will do the echo with the anatomy scan and that she's setting up for me to have ultrasounds on my cervix every 2 weeks starting at 22 weeks (because they'll do the first at my 20 week scan and echo.) I didn't ask why and I'm not sure I really want to know. I'll ask at my next and last appointment with her on March. 10th. I can only assume it's because of my previous cervical cancer and the treatments I've had done, but when I spoke the doctor's with Hailey pregnancy and questioned how it would affect it they weren't concerned at all. The only potential issue would be at birth and what they said may happen did (that it wouldn't appear I was dilating and then all of a sudden I'd be fully dilated and ready to push.)

I didn't ask because I'd rather be oblivious to any potential issues at the moment. With only being 17 weeks tomorrow there's nothing that can be done at this stage so I'd rather not know and worry. On a different note something really strange happened last night. I went to bed and woke up at 12:30 absolutely freezing. I had all the sheets on me but I was shivering and shaking so badly it woke Dan up. It took about 10 minutes of him holding me to warm me up but when I talked to him this morning he said I felt warmer then him so I'm not quite sure what that was about. I told the doctor about it and she asked if I'd checked my temp. I didn't but I'll sleep with the thermometer next to me tonight just incase it happens again, which she said if it did to come back in and see her.

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