Monday, August 2, 2010

Patiently waiting for tomorrow.....

In less then 24 hours we'll know how this baby is doing! I'm trying to be optimistic and I really do feel like everything will be ok. I've joined a few groups online for pregnancy after loss and termination for medical reasons. They've been really great and have helped so much. This I feel is the reason I've been feeling better and more optimistic. There's about 6 people on the pregnancy after loss group who have lost babies at different stages from HLHS. It's great to see them ahead of me having their echo's and scans and having everything turn out good. I know this doesn't mean it will for me, but it gives me hope to see that it really does turn out sometimes :) I still haven't had any morning sickness either! I nearly was sick today but that was my own fault. I went golfing with my mum this morning and was late leaving the house so instead of eating something I gulped down a glass of milk. BAD IDEA! Drinking milk quickly on an empty pregnant stomach does not leave you feeling all that well. I guess lesson learned!

On another positive note I'm going to pick up my grandmother's dog from the vet in an hour. They don't know what it was except she had pancreatitis (which really just means inflammation of the pancreas) so who knows how she got it but as long as she is doing better that's all that matters.

I'm really looking forward to the ultrasound tomorrow. I'm going back to the same hospital we had the others and where I delivered Hailey so that will be hard but hoping for a turn in our luck. I've heard you can get pictures from ultrasounds as early as 8 weeks and I've been contemplating getting them. I don't think I will though. I just don't feel right going and paying for the pictures, giving the receipt to the ultrasound tech and assuming it will all go well. These are the times when it doesn't for me. I'd rather see a baby with a good heart rate then have pictures. Maybe I'm just paranoid but as long as it works out I don't care why or how.

I'll update as soon as I can tomorrow!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I just found you. My name is Stephanie Urban (, and I lost my daughter to HLHS on July 2 last year. She lived 34 days and passed after what we think was a botched surgery and several attempts at weening her from the vent. Her story is on my blog, and I started doing artwork in memory of her, in order to spread CHD awareness ( ANYWAY, I'm here to tell you that I'm 38.5 weeks pregnant right now with our second child. After 2 anatomy scans (one at 22 weeks and one at 26 weeks), 6 total ultrasounds, 1 fetal echo and a lot of prayers, we are told we are having a healthy baby. I was pretty nervous about this pregnancy but went into it with a ton of faith and a little angel in heaven to watch out for her little brother/sister (don't know the sex). I just wanted you to know that and give you a little more hope. I am sorry for your loss and know so well the intense pain of losing a child. I wish you luck and faith and strength. What a happy road you are on!

