Friday, July 30, 2010

Bad things happening

So we've had quite a few bad months recently. We ended up giving our hamster away in February after it chewed a hole through it's cage and also through the carpet. My friends were thinking of getting a hamster so we gave them all we had but warned that we had her for nearly 2 years and could tell she was slowing down. They sent me an e-mail the night before we went in to end the pregnancy to say they found her that morning dead in her cage. It was to be expected as she was fully grown when we got her and they don't live long. For the next month or so I was worried about the saying that things happen in 3's. First the hamster, then Hailey. What or who would be next? My dad phoned a few weeks ago to say that my sister's cat who was living with him was really sick and the vet suggested putting her down. As sad as this was I was also relieved since this would be our number 3 and I was so worried it would be one of my grandmother's. Then 2 weeks ago we had a BBQ at our place to celebrate 1 uncle's 50th birthday and the 60th of an aunt. Well at this BBQ a different uncle had a stroke. He's doing really well now and is pretty much back to normal except for a few minor differences. He was VERY lucky.

My sister is away for the weekend and has left her cat with us. This cat normally stays at her boyfriends place but since they are both gone we get to look after her. I'm really happy to have her but the cat is a bengal and worth about $1000! I just imagine all the things this kitten can get into. I convinced Daniel to order chinese food tonight and asked if we could stop off at my mum's since my sister left tickets that she asked me to drop off. She lives with my grandmother and looks after her. When we arrived there was a big commotion in the kitchen and it turns out my grandmother's dog, Muffin was really sick. She was very lethargic, wouldn't move at all, was having trouble breathing, had vomited a few times and was bleeding from her bum. I wrapped her in a towel and my mum drove to the vet hospital. I was holding her like a baby and the whole way she was just looking up at me with these terrified eyes. I just kept telling her it would be ok and I was thinking why is this happening? All I could think about was how if we had kept going with the pregnancy the trips we probably would've made with my baby in my arms trying to comfort her. The vet thinks she was poisoned since her tongue was pale and blue. When we got home we looked found another vomit patch and sure enough there was were a couple solid pink pieces (rat poison.) My mum and grandma have never had rat poison in the house and didn't even know what it looked like so we're thinking some sick person threw it in the backyard since that's where we found her.

They are keeping her overnight but it doesn't look good. She has a very slow heart rate, so slow that they couldn't take blood from her because her circulation was so bad. I'm expecting when we said goodbye that it'll be last time we see her. When will our luck turn around? I'm hoping it will on Tuesday. I just need some good news. I don't have much hope with our past. I REALLY REALLY hope things with this baby are good.

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