Friday, July 29, 2011


Just wanted to write a quick update. The hospital called this morning at 6:30 to set up an ultrasound. Once that was set up I was able to sleep. Went for the appointment this afternoon and they checked the amniotic fluid levels (which was only on one side, but the side that the face and body's on. The side without much fluid is where the baby's back is pressed against my stomach so they aren't concerned at all as when the baby moves the fluid should move with it. They also check the placenta which seems to be looking ok. She had a hard time getting a good picture of the placenta as the baby was lying over it but the image they did get they were happy with. Lastly they checked the umbilical cord to make sure the flow was good on all the veins and artery. She'd told me that before I left they'd get the radiologist to look at the pictures and if they were concerned they'd send me up right away to the maternity ward but everything looked good and I was sent home with my induction date still for Monday.

I'm so glad I got to have this test as I was getting so worried that something might be wrong and they wouldn't know. I'm now feeling much better about the monday induction date. It also makes me feel better knowing that the baby is still measuring a week behind to based on the ultrasound today I'm only 39+1 which actually makes sense based on the uncertainty during the first few weeks of pregnancy. So really I may actually be getting induced 2 days past my due date.

I'm just glad everything looks good and I'm a lot more relaxed for this weekend. Looking forward to Monday!!!

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