Monday, July 4, 2011

37 weeks

How far along? 37 weeks 
Baby's size? Watermelon
Total Weight Gain: I've stopped checking, it was making me too sad.

Bellybutton:  Still in but it's getting closer. I've never been so creeped out by my belly button!
Stretchmarks: hips and stomach. So uncomfortable, I'll explain later.
Maternity Clothes: Yup but they're starting to fit less comfortably.
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: Still moves a lot, but more at certain times of day. This baby already has a schedule!
Sleep: Terrible
Symptoms: Although I'm tired from not sleeping much I'm feeling surprisingly well. Getting more braxton hicks lately.
Food Aversions: Nothing
Food Cravings: Candy again
Best Moments this week: Baby is now considered FULL TERM!!!!!!
What I am Looking forward to: My OB appointment tomorrow and hopefully finding out if things are progressing...

Well I was hoping losing my mucus plug would bring on labour but I'm just one of those lucky people who lose their plug weeks before birth :( I try to remind myself that as long as the baby stays healthy and everything's ok I should be happy and try not to rush it.

The past few weeks have been pretty bad. There's one main problem at the moment. I think I've develloped PUPPS. It started 2 weeks ago (around 35 weeks) and it started with my stretch marks being really itchy. As the days went on I started to notice bumps and the itchiness started turning into burning. I haven't slept much these past 2 weeks because it's hard enough falling asleep while being itchy but I'd wake up multiple times in the middle of the night hurting. NOTHING can touch my stomach or feels like it's on fire. I called my mum this weekend but she wasn't home and spoke to my aunt who was over visiting my grandma. I'd remembered that when children get chicken pox they use calamine lotion to alleviate the itching. I wanted her opinion if she thought this would be ok to use on my stomach. She didn't know and I told her I'd come over to show her my stomach. She took one look and took me to a clinic ( I haven't seen my OB since I was nearly 35 as he was on holidays last week when I was supposed to have an appointment so I've been waiting to see him and show him instead of going to a clinic and complaining about stretch marks.) When I showed him my stomach he immediately put me on a cordozone cream with antibiotic because while during the day I stratch my stomach over my clothes, I've found that at night I'll wake to find myself stractching and a few of the bumps had turned into sores which he thought may be starting to get infected. I must admit that the sores look a lot better after just 2 days of using the cream, but unfortunately it has not effected the itching at all. On advice from the doctor I've cut my nails so I basically have no nails and therefore will do less damage at night. REALLY hoping that my OB tomorrow will have something that works better. The thought of feeling like this for the next 3 possible up to 5 weeks makes me want to cry. It really sucks because besides the stomach issue I feel great! I'm surprised at how well I feel for 37.5 weeks pregnant and feel like at this stage if we get the PUPPS under control I could work right up until I go into labour.

By the way, just a little teaser. Apparently 70% of all PUPPS cases are boys, however we broke the odds with Hailey as HLHS is supposed to be more common in boys then girls. Am I setting a trend or is this baby a boy?? A few more weeks!

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