Friday, July 29, 2011

41 weeks

How far along? 41 weeks 
Baby's size? Watermelon
Total Weight Gain: probably around 55lbs

Bellybutton:  One little tiny part is sticking out depending on how the baby's lying. It looks so strange!
Stretchmarks: stomach, hips, legs (YAY!)
Maternity Clothes: Yup but they're starting to fit less comfortably.
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: Starting to slow down quite a bit
Sleep: maybe 2-3 hours a night
Symptoms: I've now had 2 bouts of false labour with contractions every 3-5 minutes for 4 hours each time.
Food Aversions: Nothing
Food Cravings: Milk
Best Moments this week: Yeah there really hasn't been one.
What I am Looking forward to: No longer being pregnant

I'm starting to become really angry and frustrated. I phoned the OB's office yesterday afternoon as I hadn't heard from the hospital about going for a non-stress test or ultrasound and also hadn't received a call about my induction date. The receptionist said she'd faxed all the paperwork off and would look into why I hadn't heard anything. She called back an hour later and said I was on the list for induction on Monday and I'd have to call them around 7am to see if they had room and what time to come in. She re faxed the request for an ultrasound but still hadn't heard anything. Oh and apparently the OB didn't put in a request for a nst or put it in my notes so not going to get that test. At this stage it's looking like I'll have none of the tests as it's now Friday and I still haven't heard. I'm going to phone the office this morning and Dan plans to phone the hospital as well but it's looking like we'll be having a VERY anxious weekend.

It makes me mad how people are telling me not to worry and to rest while I can before the baby arrives. They have no idea how I feel and what I'm going through. I sleep maybe 2-3 hours a night. All I think about is the baby's movements and worry. There's no excitement. I'm not in a hurry to have the baby so I can see it, I want this baby out so I know it's safe and ok. My biggest pet peeve is people telling me that everything will be ok. THEY ALL SAID THIS WITH HAILEY'S PREGNANCY. Yes, chances are everything will be ok but when you've been on the other side of the odds it's hard to really believe it because you know all too well that someone has to be that 1 or 2% and it's been you before.

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