Friday, July 22, 2011

40 weeks

How far along? 40 weeks 
Baby's size? Watermelon
Total Weight Gain: 50lbs It was 48 a few days ago so I'm assuming around 50 now

Bellybutton:  One little tiny part is sticking out depending on how the baby's lying. It looks so strange!
Stretchmarks: stomach, hips, legs (YAY!)
Maternity Clothes: Yup but they're starting to fit less comfortably.
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: The baby has quiet and active days but still enough movement on quiet days to not have to worry too much.
Sleep: Great! Must be the calm before the storm.
Symptoms: My back has started hurting the past few days but other then that I still feel great.
Food Aversions: Nothing
Food Cravings: Cherries
Best Moments this week: First week on Mat leave!!!! No need to get up at a certain time. Maybe that's why I'm sleeping better?
What I am Looking forward to: Labour

Well today's my due date. I'm pretty sure the baby won't come today and I fully expect to have to be induced. I've had a few rough days of worrying about all that can go wrong but yesterday I decided to start thinking more positive. All I've wanted the past few weeks is to get this baby out while everything's ok. While I still feel that way I've decided to embrace these last few days of pregnancy. Having pregnancies back to back I'm pretty much done for a LONG time. I'm thinking at least 3 years, more likely 5. I want to enjoy feeling the baby moving around as it'll be a while until I feel this again.

I had my OB appointment on Tuesday. Last week when I asked he said that they induce on 10 days overdue. We worked out that this would be a holiday Monday and asked this week how that would effect the plans. He said it wouldn't and that my hospital induces on weekends, even long weekends. I was wondering this as I know some of the smaller hospitals around here don't induce on weekends and I was worried I'd get pushed back a few days if there were several women who needed to be induced and had their day 10 on the Saturday or Sunday. Glad I no longer have to worry about that! He then mentioned that he may actually induce me a little early. Apparently the last few weeks my blood pressure has been going up. It's still normal, although high normal and with the stress I've been feeling about all that can go wrong it may be better to induce me a few days early. We'll discuss this at my next appointment on Tuesday. Either way on Tuesday we'll set up an induction date. I'm a little sad about this. As much as I want this baby out and healthy I've always wanted to experience going into labour naturally, but at the end of the day it's much safer to be induced then leave the baby in longer then necessary as the rate of stillbirth increases and this is what happened with Daniel's mother. (They let her go too far overdue and the day she went into hospital to be induced they couldn't find a heartbeat. If they'd induced her 12 hours earlier the baby may have survived as she'd felt movement during the night.)

So now that I'm getting really close I promise before I go to the hospital I'll write a quick update. I want to remember as much as possible about all the emotions and feelings of labour. I can't believe how excited I am to go into labour and experience the pain. I may regret feeling this way but it really is something I'm looking forward to.

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