Sunday, June 26, 2011

mucus plug?

I had a bit of a shock this morning. I got up to go pee and the whole time I was willing the baby to move as I hadn't felt anything since I'd gone to bed at 1am and it was now 8am. When I wiped there was a brownish tinge and it really freaked me out that I was starting to bleed. Since then I've come to realize that I think it's my mucus plug. I told Dan about the lack of movement and he told he he'd felt the baby move at night and then less the 3 minutes later the baby moved and has been moving since.

I'm starting to freak out a little. I know losing your mucus plug doesn't mean labour will necessarily start any time soon but the nursery at the moment is a DISASTER. We'd gotten it all set up and then ordered carpet. The carpet arrived 2 weeks ago and they'd told us the underlay was on back order but should be here around the 30th. Dan wanted to put screws in the floor to stop the squeaking when you walk on it and he'd noticed they'd put the carpet over linoleum so he spent the Sunday 2 weeks ago taking the carpet and linoleum up and putting the screws into the plywood. At the moment there's nothing on the floor in the nursery, our bedroom is a mess as all the nursery furniture and baby stuff is in it and you have to watch where you walk. The crib is taken apart as it wouldn't fit out the room in one piece and the bassinet we were given needs a new mattress which I can't find ANYWHERE. It's so stupid, I can buy a new bassinet with a new mattress for $80 but I can't buy a new mattress on it's own. I've just phoned my mum as she wanted to get us the bassinet and told her I'd lost my mucus plug and was freaking out a little as if this baby does arrive soon we've got nowhere for it to sleep! She's going to get it now for me since she hates going to the shops in the afternoon when it's busy.

I don't want to get my hopes up. I'm currently 36+2 days so ideally it would be better for this baby not to come until the end of the week when I'm considered "full term" at 37 weeks, but I know the baby will be fine if it comes at the moment. The first thing my husband said to me when I told him about the mucus plug was "Of course..... your OB is on holidays this week!"

I'll write again if anything else happens.

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