Sunday, June 12, 2011

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks 
Baby's size? Honeydew
Total Weight Gain: I've stopped checking, it was making me too sad.

Bellybutton:  Still in but it's getting closer. I've never been so creeped out by my belly button!
Stretchmarks: Hips and lower stomach
Maternity Clothes: Yup but they're starting to fit less comfortably.
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: The baby gets the hiccups at least a few times a day now. It's so strong you can see my stomach move from them. Also the baby has found a really uncomfortable spot to rest it's foot.
Sleep: Some nights I sleep really well others I hardly sleep at all.
Symptoms: just starting to get really tired now
Food Aversions: Nothing
Food Cravings: Candy again
Best Moments this week: Watching my belly move for 20 minutes while on my lunch break :)
What I miss: being able to breath properly. I'm hoping once the baby drops I'll be able to get more air in my lungs
What I am Looking forward to: My last ultrasound is this week. I'll be sad not to see the baby again until it's born.

It's been an exciting and interesting week. I ordered cloth diapers last weekend and they arrived Thursday. I was so excited to see them and I can't wait to get the baby wearing them. I don't know anyone who's used cloth diapers so I've been doing a lot of research. I only ordered 12 of the same brand and will be ordering more soon. I'm going to get a different brand to compare them. When I first told my mum I was planning on using cloth diapers she wasn't too thrilled and told me she'd keep a supply of disposables at her place for when the baby is there. When they arrived this week I brought them over and showed her, I also told her about the wet bag and that we mine as well use cloth wipes if we're doing diapers. She's now on board which I'm really happy about. Will have to "train" her on how to use them and put them in the bag so it's easier to clean.

I applied for a job within the company a few weeks ago. I've written about applying for one 6 months ago. It's the same job as the person who did get it is now moving away. I was wondering if I should apply or not but figured since it's a permanent job and not a temporary, as well as being in the area I want to eventually get into I couldn't turn down the chance. So I applied thinking if I was the right person for the job they would hire me and then get a replacement for my maternity leave (like they'd do if I'd gotten pregnant just after starting the job.) Well I got a call at work on Thursday to set up a time for an interview and it was supposed to be for Monday morning. Then she called again on Friday and said she'd noticed that I was going off in 5 weeks and was wondering what my plans were (was I planning on working through the mat leave as the position is only for Fridays and if the regulars call in sick.) I said no I was planning on taking the full year off. She then said "Well you realize we need someone now so it seem kind of pointless to train you when you'll be going off and then have to train someone else." I said yeah I realize it's not an ideal situation and I contemplated even applying but what it came down to was that this is the area I really want to get into and I couldn't turn down the chance. She then said that of course they couldn't stop me from applying because I'm pregnant (and I bit my tongue as I was REALLY close to correcting her and saying "no, actually you can't not give me the job because I'm pregnant.") She then continued with saying that since I'd just had an interview for it and that nothing had probably changed there wasn't a point in me going in for another interview and she would talk to the main HR person and they may just do a phone interview instead.

I'm so disappointed. There's no point in even having an interview now. She's basically said there's no way I'll get the job because I'm going off on maternity leave in 5 weeks. I am however interested on where they decide to go with this as legally they can't discriminate against me due to being pregnant and clearly at the moment they have by cancelling my interview and telling me that there's no point in giving me this position because I'm going off. 

It's funny because I never actually expected to get the job. I figured they'll probably give it to someone who's in the manager program (like they did last time) to give them the experience of working with that computer system. I also assumed my pregnancy would play a part in the reason I wouldn't get the job but I never expected them to actually imply this.

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