Tuesday, June 21, 2011

35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks 
Baby's size? Honeydew
Total Weight Gain: I've stopped checking, it was making me too sad.

Bellybutton:  Still in but it's getting closer. I've never been so creeped out by my belly button!
Stretchmarks: hips and stomach. Can't believe how fast they're coming!
Maternity Clothes: Yup but they're starting to fit less comfortably.
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: Still moving a lot. I'm surprised as I thought there's supposed to be reduced movement as they run out of room. This one still acts like there's tons of room, which causes me pain.
Sleep: I'm not sleeping very well at the moment
Symptoms: just starting to get really tired now, crampy
Food Aversions: Nothing
Food Cravings: Cookies (always healthy things for me!)
Best Moments this week: Knowing that this week was the last week I'd see the baby until it's born.
What I miss: Not having to get up a few times at night to pee.
What I am Looking forward to: Holding this baby in my arms

I had an appointment with my OB on Wednesday and everything looks good. He felt my stomach to check the baby's position and turns to me and says "Wow that baby's really far down there!" I haven't been getting too much pressure but every once and a while it feels like this baby is going to fall out of me.  I've always had a feeling this baby's going to come early. I'm not sure if it's wishful thinking of intuition (hopefully the second!) On the other hand I also feel like with my luck and because we've done all these ultrasound incase I go into early labour that I'll end up going overdue and have to be induced. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Tomorrow is 1 month until me due date! I can't believe it's 30 days away. Where has the time gone? 

I'm now glad I've never told anyone in my family I know the sex of the baby. My cousin who's due a week before didn't want anyone to know as her husband wanted to be surprised so her mum went with her to find out the sex. They've managed to keep it a secret for most of the pregnancy but it just makes me realize how no one in my family can keep a secret! Last wednesday I went over to my grandma's as my aunt is out from Poland and I was talking about the baby and the names we've chosen and I mentioned how I wished I knew what my cousin was having. Well then my aunt said she knew (what really annoyed me was the tone she said it) anyway then my grandma said she's known for a couple weeks. I asked them what it was and they said they weren't going to tell me because they didn't want me to know. I asked them if my mum knew and they said no. I went for a walk with my mum later and vented. It didn't bother me that I didn't know the sex what bothered me was why even say you know and rub it in? It also made me feel a little sad because at that point I pretty much guessed they were having a girl and they didn't want me to know or be upset since besides Hailey there's only 1 other girl in the family and 5 boys. Then my mum told me that since the secret was out and people were starting to find out she's actually known since the day they found out. Apparently my aunt phoned my mum and told her but no one knows that she knows so she told me. Then on Saturday we took my dad our for dinner for father's day and on the way home my sister tried to get out of my husband what the sex is and said that she can keep a secret. She's known the sex of the baby since the day they found out too. I then told her that it wasn't a secret anymore that a lot of people knew and it's just so confusing who does and doesn't know and that my cousin still thinks no one but my aunt, sister and her husband know. So here's how it works out.

My cousin told my sister but no one knows except me that she knows.
My aunt told my mum who told me but no one knows that either of us know except my sister.
My aunt then told my grandma and my other aunt who told me and my mum that they know but my cousin doesn't know they know.

I think that's it? I really have no idea though as we have quite a large family. They are coming out next weekend for a surprise 60th birthday party for my aunt at our place and I have a feeling it's all going to come out. My mum seems to think that my aunt from Poland will say that she knows. It should be an interesting weekend!

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