Monday, August 1, 2011


I phoned the hospital this morning at 7am like I was told to and they asked me to come in at 8am! I had a shower and breakfast and then we left for the hospital. They did a 20 minute non-stress test to see how the baby was doing and then called in the OB who checked my cervix. Apparently I'm 2cm dilated! So he used the gel to induce me and seems to think that it might work. If not then I'll have to come back tomorrow and I should be far enough along to get pitocin tomorrow. They then monitored the baby for an hour to make sure the cramping I was getting from the gel wasn't putting the baby in distress. All looked good and I'm not at home. I'm supposed to relax as much as possible and go for a walk if I want. I need to go back straight away if my waters break or I start bleeding, otherwise I'm home until the contractions are 3 minutes apart or tomorrow morning to see how I'm progressing. Lets hope I go back due to contractions!!!! I'll try to update if anything happens.

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