Friday, August 12, 2011


With Dan's mum still visiting it's hard to get into a daytime routine but I think we've gotten the night time one down. Dan stays up later then me most nights so what we do is I feed Lauren when I'm about to go to bed, normally around 9-9:30, then after she's fed I'll hand her to Dan who burps her and has his cuddle time. She pretty much just sleeps on either his chest or lap until she wakes up a few hours later. When I've given her to Dan I'll go and pump an ounce or 2 which I give to Dan to feed her when she wakes. Normally this isn't quite enough so I'll still have to get up and feed her but it's only a 5-10 minute feeding and she gets very full so she sleeps the full 4 hours. Last night Dan and I fed her at 1am and she woke at 4:30 for her next feed. When she wakes up I take her out of the room and into her nursery where I feed her and get her back to sleep. This allows Dan to get the full amount of sleep he'd normally get. Then she wakes again at 7am, I'll give her a quick feed (she's not really into that feed but she'll drink for 5 minutes) and then Dan will take her until he wakes me up when he's about to leave for work.

I'm so lucky to have Daniel. He's an amazing father and absolutely loves Lauren to death. We walk 20 minutes most days to go pick him up from work and he always takes control of the pram.  Last night his mum offered to stay up with Lauren so he could sleep and he refused saying he needed to give her the bottle. His mum didn't push as he seemed very much into getting to give her the bottle. While I didn't want to introduce a bottle this early it's given Lauren and Dan a great chance to bond. I could tell he was starting to feel left out as he kept wanting to try holding her while she was feeding (which never worked well.)

Oh Dan's mum and I took Lauren to the beach today. She wasn't very happy when I put her feet in the water though.

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