Monday, November 22, 2010

Pregnancy symptoms

I'd forgotten how worrying the cramping is. I had this with Hailey from week 4 to 15 weeks and I was so worried about miscarrying with her because of the cramps. I'd talked to a friend about it who had it with all 3 pregnancies and she'd said she went to the doctor with her first and he told her it was like the egg burrowing in. I'm sure it's really just your uterus wondering what going but either way I had it with Hailey and didn't have it with the miscarriage so I keep having to remind myself that hopefully this is a good sign. I've also started to get nauseous. I haven't been sick yet but with how I've been feeling I know that's not far off. I've been trying to think of creative ways on what to do while driving to work since I'll be travelling a lot this next month in the morning and that tends to be when I feel nauseous and have gotten sick in the past. Again, I never had this with my miscarriage so I'm very hopeful all will be ok and we'll make it to the second trimester and fingers crossed the third to bring home a healthy baby sometime in July.

I still haven't heard from my doctor. I have no idea how far along I actually am. Going off my cycle it should be around July 21st but because I was still getting negative tests 4 days after my missed period I wonder if this will set back my due date? Like the HCG chart said I was somewhere between 3-4 weeks on tuesday so I'm now between 4-5 weeks. I'm thinking I'll get an appointment for the ultrasound next week or the week after at 5,6 or 7 weeks. From what I've read they can't see anything before 5 weeks anyway and with my past ultrasound disaster I'd be totally fine waiting as long as possible. If it wasn't for the pains (which are pretty much gone now) I wouldn't want an ultrasound until 12 weeks because although there's the heartbeat and your chances of miscarriage go down, I don't want that false hope and it would crush me to see a heartbeat and then find out the baby died.

It's been really cold lately. It snowed during the 10k run I did and was -5 so that was fun!!!!!! I'll put 2 pics up. The first is everyone who was in it. My aunts and mum walked 5 k and my cousin and I ran 10k. The second picture is my mum and I :)

I think I'm on the verge of getting sick. I haven't been sleeping well lately and the stress of worrying about the pregnancy and running the 10 k in those conditions has given me a lovely cold sore. I'm going to try my hardest not to pass this on to my kids because as much as I love my mum I secretly curse her every time I get one!!!!

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