Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Finally an ultrasound date!

It's been over a week since I found out I'm pregnant and I've been waiting to hear from the doctor's office about the ultrasound date. We left it that if I was pregnant her office would set up the appointment and if not I could make it myself. I waited a week and on Tuesday called the ultrasound clinic and booked the appointment. When she asked what it was for I said ob for dating and to rule out ectopic. She asked my LMP and I told her Oct. 15th but we think I may be a week later going off blood since that's how we found out I was pregnant. Her response was "Oh. The earliest appointment we have is Dec. 20th which is fine with the dating aspect but you'll possibly be 9.5 weeks which is leaving it a little late for possible ectopic." (which is why my dr.'s office was supposed to set it up because there is a 3 week wait with empty appointments for STATS.) She said there is a waiting list but I might want to call my gp's office and see if they want to book it sooner. Well I phoned the office and spoke to the receptionist who I hate and is useless. I only said I think they were going to book an ultrasound for me and she asked my name, got my chart and said "yup the req's in the chart and we'll call you when we've made an appointment." Then hung up! I let it go for the night and called back this morning to see if they could make the appointment where I want since it's not actually in my town but I lied and said I'm working in that building so it'd be really convenient. Her response was "Can't you just make the appointment yourself?" HAVE YOU READ MY CHART!!!! I explained to her that I had but since it's to rule out ectopic leaving it until 9.5 weeks a little long and she then passed the call on to the nurse (who I love and has been there since I was birth) and she said she'd call them right away and get back to me. She called back within 10 mins and I have the appointment on Friday (Nov. 26th) so I'll be either 5 or 6 weeks which from what I've read is a good time to catch it.

I've decided not to get or ask any information from them during or at the ultrasound. I'd rather not have that stress like the miscarriage and just be oblivious as long as possible if there is a problem.  If I'm offered pics I'll ask for them in an envelop and look at them when I'm ready ie. past 12 weeks.

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