Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dr's appointment

I had a Dr's appointment tonight. I set it up on Friday because I've been getting pains in my lower right pelvis for nearly 2 weeks. The pains had been getting better but I think it could be a bladder infection without the typical pain when peeing.  This coupled with my lack of period means I had to go for a serum HCG and urine tests as we are hoping it's a bladder infection. I also have to get an ultrasound done. I asked if this could wait until after Dec. 22nd (which is when I go back to my normal job) and she put urgent on the form and told me that if my levels show I'm pregnant I have to get it done soon, if not she suggests not waiting but it should be ok. The results should be online in less then 2 hours. She told me that based on my cycle it's not likely ectopic but it'd need to be ruled out early just in case.

I'm trying not to think what being pregnant will mean. I was offered this position because I said I'd be available between Nov. 22- Dec 22nd. Then if I am I will have to take at least a morning or afternoon off and miss a meeting. Hoping if I am they can somehow squeeze me in on Friday, although I won't hold my breath. Reading that back I just realized how sad it is that I'm more concerned about my job and how I'll look taking more time off then my health. I got the girl in the back who gets the blood ready to send to our main lab to take my blood so she is hopefully the only one that knows and will know. Going to have a shower and get ready for bed. I'll update when the results come up.


Just checked online and I'll start by saying my urine tests were normal and I expect the culture to be as well.

My HCG level was 35.
Here's the chart:
Time after LMP Expected Range 
3rd Week (6 - 71)
4th Week (10 - 750)
5th Week (217 - 7138)
6th Week (158 - 31795)
7th Week (3697 - 163563)
8&9th Week (32065 - 151410)
10th Week (46509 - 186977)
12th Week (27832 - 210612)
14th Week (13950 - 62530)
15th Week (12039 - 70971)
16th Week (9040 - 56451)
17&18th Week (8175 - 58176)
Non-Pregnant (Less than 10)

So here's to thinking positive and I ovulated late. I called my sister (who's a tech) and begged her not to tell my mum. I asked her if it's possible to have an HCG at 35 and not be pregnant and she said no. I guess I'll speak my manager and let her know what's going on. As much as I wanted to do this job I'm going to put my health first and if it means they get someone else then that's ok.

I should explain the reason I'm so worried about ectopic. My aunt didn't know she was pregnant until 9 weeks and at 10 weeks her tube burst due to the pregnancy being ectopic. She had surgery to remove the one side and then got an infection and they had to remove both tubes. This was her first and only pregnancy. Again to think positively, at least if it is ectopic (and hopefully it's not) we will catch it very early.

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