Saturday, February 2, 2013

10 weeks

I'd set this to publish Feb. 2nd (exactly 10 weeks) as we were going to be in the air but for some reason it didn't so it's a week late!

How far along? 10 weeks
Baby's size? Prune
Total weight gain: 9 lbs. (147)
Bellybutton: In
Stretchmarks: I never got rid of the stretchmarks from pregnancies 1 and 2!
Maternity Clothes: Going to start switching over today. We're in Australia until 14 weeks so I know that I'll need them within that time. I've brought lots of dresses and bought second hand maternity shorts that fit now. Most of my mat clothes are for when I'm bigger in pregnancy so I'm at that really awkward stage of pregnancy where I still fit into my normal pants but they're starting to get tight, yet maternity clothes are huge on me especially since the clothes have been worn in previous pregnancies.
Gender: Don't think we'll find out
Movement: None
Sleep: Pregnancy wise ok, Lauren's been keeping me up the past couple nights though!
Symptoms: Occasional nausea and tiredness. Most of the time I forgot that I'm pregnant! 
Food Aversions: None
Food Cravings: tuna which is weird because I don't normally like tuna!
Best Moments this week: Finished work for the next month!
What I miss: Nothing
What I am looking forward to: Holidays!!! (NOT looking forward to the LONG flights though)

I'm a little disappointed I haven't been able to find the heartbeat with the doppler yet. I've been trying every day from 9 weeks. I know it's still early but it's frustrating since I found it with Lauren at this point. It gave such peace of mind knowing there's still a heartbeat. I guess I just have to be patient. They couldn't find Hailey's at all using a doppler so maybe this baby's just being shy too. I was worried about miscarrying while flying but I took another test yesterday and was so happy to see a very positive line come up straight away before it had a change to get the control line and was even darker then the control line. I know this doesn't mean everything is ok with the baby but at least I can relax and know I won't miscarry within the next few days. I really do feel that everything is fine but there's always that little bit of doubt that I'm sure will never fully go away.

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