Thursday, February 14, 2013

bleeding again

I had a rush of blood this morning at 10am. It freaked me out and I called up the insurance company because I wanted to go to the hospital for an ultrasound and blood work to find out if everything's ok. The insurance company told me that I'd have to pay the $300 deductible (which I knew about) but that if I did go to the hospital it would void my policy for that medical condition (pregnancy) the rest of my holiday. I also was only allowed 2 visits. The first visit had to have all my tests done on the same day and the second would be purely a follow up. I said ok and they issued me a claim number and were going to e-mail me the forms to send in with the bills. I went to the washroom before we left and it was only a little bit of blood when I wiped. On the way to the hospital Dan and I were talking about the policy and I worried about what would happen if I went and they confirmed I was going to miscarry then had complications after being sent home. My biggest fear is that I'd hemorrhage, need a D&C or get an infection and no longer have medical coverage for them. We decided to head back home and talk to my sister in law about her miscarriage and trip to the hospital. She said that all they did was blood and an ultrasound then confirmed she was going to miscarry and offered a D&C or she could go home and wait to miscarry naturally. This is pretty much what I expected so we decided to wait it out. She told the that if we wanted we could go to her work (she's a vet) and she'd do an ultrasound for me but to be aware that the quality wouldn't be the greatest and we may not be able to find the heartbeat with the machine but likely see movement. We're going to Fraser Island this weekend so since the bleeding has pretty much stopped again (just a tiny bit of brown when I wipe and it's 3pm) we're going to wait and see what happens this weekend then go for our ghetto ultrasound Sunday or Monday.

I hate being away from home and going through this. I hate not knowing what's going on. I hate that I worry about if we have lost this baby was it due to a heart defect? Seeing the heartbeat at 8 weeks makes this potential miscarriage so much worse because I know the baby had a heartbeat as last time the baby stopped growing before a heartbeat could be seen ( less then 6 weeks)
Will update Monday.

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