Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Heartbeat and bleeding

Today I'm 11 weeks 4 days. It's currently 3:30am Australia time and I can't sleep. Last night Dan asked if he could check for a heartbeat and we think we found it hiding behind the placenta. It was VERY hard to hear with all the placental noise but the doppler did pick up 175bpm. Then we lost it.
An hour later we had sex and when I got up to go the bathroom there was a bit of red blood. It seemed like it was from Dan's semen (he occasionally gets blood in his semen which the doctor says is just when a blood vessel burst) as it was just little streaks mixed in. A few hours later though and while it's minimal there's red blood every time I wipe.

Now comes the fun part. I'm going to ring up the travel insurance company in the morning and see what I can do. I'm hoping they'll either cover a trip to the hospital (a little unnecessary at this point) or at least a trip to a clinic and hopefully they'll do HCG levels and an ultrasound (which is what the hospital would do).

I just keep reminding myself how thankful I am to have a healthy Lauren. Will update hopefully soon.

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