Saturday, January 19, 2013

8 weeks

How far along? 8 weeks
Baby's size? Raspberry
Total weight gain: 7 lbs. (145lbs) I've pretty much just given up and excepted that I'm going to gain weight and there's nothing I can do about it. I try to eat healthy but for me the first trimester I'm hungry all the time that I gain weight.
Bellybutton: In
Stretchmarks: I never got rid of the stretchmarks from pregnancies 1 and 2!
Maternity Clothes: No
Gender: Don't think we'll find out
Movement: None, even on the ultrasound this it wasn't jumping around anywhere.
Sleep: Getting better. I have to wake up in the middle of night to take my thyroid pill and pee
Symptoms: Occasional nausea, tired
Food Aversions: None
Food Cravings: Salad and chips, particuarly sour cream and onion
Best Moments this week: Seeing the baby through ultrasound
What I miss: Nothing
What I am looking forward to: Our holidays in a few weeks

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