Friday, January 4, 2013

6 weeks

I had my doctors appointment yesterday and thought I'd give an update. I'd scheduled the appointment mid cycle last month for my yearly physical and when I found out I was pregnant I decided to just keep the appointment since I have to have yearly paps done anyway. When she did the internal exam she said that it appeared my uterus was measuring correct for 6 weeks. I mentioned that I a little worried about the lack of morning sickness so she ordered an HCG with the rest of my blood work which I did this morning. Of course the nausea hit me hard this morning and I nearly threw up a few times on my way to work this morning. I'm patiently trying to wait for the results to come up online. I worked it out that if my HCG level of 262 doubled every 48 hours my levels should be somewhere around 8300. I'm not sure if this was a good thing to work out because I know it will worry me if they're under 8000. I'll add the HCG level at the end. As long as the HCG levels are consistent with where I should be there isn't a need to do an early ultrasound, which I'm ok with.

How far along? 6 weeks
Baby's size? sweet pea (I don't really feel these are always accurate)
Total Weight Gain: 141.2 (I gained 3 pounds which isn't bad considering I had 3 turkey dinner with lots of pie and birthday cake in the past 2 weeks

Bellybutton:  obviously in
I never got rid of my stretchmarks with pregnancies 1 and 2!
Maternity Clothes: 
don't think we'll find out
sleeping's been getting better. It's hard since Lauren rarely sleep through the night.
nausea, don't think it'll be long before I'm vomiting! And of course frequently peeing.
Food Aversions: 
nothing really
Food Cravings: 
Best Moments this week: 
first doctor's visit
What I miss: 
What I am Looking forward to: 
HCG results

HCG level came back at 11652! It's right where it should be (in my opinion) and means that I'm definitely in my 6th week (week 5 only goes to 7138) although I should be exactly 6 weeks.

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