Wednesday, January 16, 2013

midwife appointment

I had my midwife appointment last week. It was moved up from the 24th due to a cancelation. The appointment was a get to know me and my history. We went over it all and she even checked for the baby's heartbeat, although at 6 weeks it's way too early and said if she did find it she'd want to send me for a dating ultrasound as it's super early. Of course we didn't.

She asked me a few times during my appointment if I wanted an ultrasound. She kept asking me more about a dating one and if I was sure about  my dates. I said yes that I was. I didn't push for a viability scan as I've had bad experiences with early ultrasounds in the past. I left happy and my next appointment will be when we get back from Australia at 14 weeks.

Ever since I've started to get super anxious about this baby and the possibility of miscarriage. I have nightmares of miscarrying on the plane during our 16 hour flight to Australia. Then I went back and did a calculation of when I miscarried last time.......exactly 10 weeks. Well with this pregnancy exactly 10 weeks is when we leave. It was my understanding that the reason I miscarried when I did was that the placenta had started to take over and of course there was very little to no placenta since the baby stopped growing before 5 weeks. I'd known since the 8 week ultrasound that it didn't look good and just waited for nature to take it's course. This time I don't have that luxury. I get out of country medical insurance through work but it's a one time use only and when it gets used it's gone and we have to get our own for future trips. I don't want to have to use it for a miscarriage and anyone who's experienced a miscarriage (or if you haven't go back and read my post of the miscarriage) knows that being out of the country or worse on a plane is not where you want it to happen. So I called the office Monday and she told me no one was there that day but a midwife would call me Tuesday. When I got home from work Monday Dan told me that my doctor called and asked to speak with me. I called her back and she told me that she was getting my chart ready to send to the midwives and noticed my Thyroid was high. Well it was within a normal range but was high for a pregnant range (3.49 and they want it under 2.99). I've since picked up a prescription and standing order requisition for monthly tsh checks.

The midwife called on Tuesday afternoon around 12:30 and said they'd had a cancellation and would I be able to come in at 1:30. Of course I said yes and after discussing the situation with her she told me she'd try to set up an ultrasound but that they often get backed up and since there was no bleeding or cause for concern it wasn't likely I'd get an appointment before we left in 2 weeks. She also wanted to finish my chart so she listened to my lungs and heart. After checking my heart she asked if I'd ever had any heart problems or shortness of breath. I said no except the occasional palpitations which I've never gotten checked out. She noticed that my heart was adding an extra beat sometimes and said that as long as I wasn't having any other symptoms it was ok and sometimes happens in pregnancy but they're going to keep an eye on it and watch for symptoms.

When I got home from work today  there was a message on my answering machine for me the call the hospital. When I called they told me I had an ultrasound booked for 1pm tomorrow! I'm assuming we really lucked out and they had a cancellation because I was expecting to have to go on a cancelation list. Please keep us in your thoughts/prayers tomorrow afternoon and I'll update (hopefully with how many bpm) as soon as I can.

Lauren's spending the night as my mum's because I've suddenly become extremely tired. I'm pretty sure I'm getting a cold and plan on going to bed super early tonight.

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