Friday, July 29, 2011


Just wanted to write a quick update. The hospital called this morning at 6:30 to set up an ultrasound. Once that was set up I was able to sleep. Went for the appointment this afternoon and they checked the amniotic fluid levels (which was only on one side, but the side that the face and body's on. The side without much fluid is where the baby's back is pressed against my stomach so they aren't concerned at all as when the baby moves the fluid should move with it. They also check the placenta which seems to be looking ok. She had a hard time getting a good picture of the placenta as the baby was lying over it but the image they did get they were happy with. Lastly they checked the umbilical cord to make sure the flow was good on all the veins and artery. She'd told me that before I left they'd get the radiologist to look at the pictures and if they were concerned they'd send me up right away to the maternity ward but everything looked good and I was sent home with my induction date still for Monday.

I'm so glad I got to have this test as I was getting so worried that something might be wrong and they wouldn't know. I'm now feeling much better about the monday induction date. It also makes me feel better knowing that the baby is still measuring a week behind to based on the ultrasound today I'm only 39+1 which actually makes sense based on the uncertainty during the first few weeks of pregnancy. So really I may actually be getting induced 2 days past my due date.

I'm just glad everything looks good and I'm a lot more relaxed for this weekend. Looking forward to Monday!!!

41 weeks

How far along? 41 weeks 
Baby's size? Watermelon
Total Weight Gain: probably around 55lbs

Bellybutton:  One little tiny part is sticking out depending on how the baby's lying. It looks so strange!
Stretchmarks: stomach, hips, legs (YAY!)
Maternity Clothes: Yup but they're starting to fit less comfortably.
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: Starting to slow down quite a bit
Sleep: maybe 2-3 hours a night
Symptoms: I've now had 2 bouts of false labour with contractions every 3-5 minutes for 4 hours each time.
Food Aversions: Nothing
Food Cravings: Milk
Best Moments this week: Yeah there really hasn't been one.
What I am Looking forward to: No longer being pregnant

I'm starting to become really angry and frustrated. I phoned the OB's office yesterday afternoon as I hadn't heard from the hospital about going for a non-stress test or ultrasound and also hadn't received a call about my induction date. The receptionist said she'd faxed all the paperwork off and would look into why I hadn't heard anything. She called back an hour later and said I was on the list for induction on Monday and I'd have to call them around 7am to see if they had room and what time to come in. She re faxed the request for an ultrasound but still hadn't heard anything. Oh and apparently the OB didn't put in a request for a nst or put it in my notes so not going to get that test. At this stage it's looking like I'll have none of the tests as it's now Friday and I still haven't heard. I'm going to phone the office this morning and Dan plans to phone the hospital as well but it's looking like we'll be having a VERY anxious weekend.

It makes me mad how people are telling me not to worry and to rest while I can before the baby arrives. They have no idea how I feel and what I'm going through. I sleep maybe 2-3 hours a night. All I think about is the baby's movements and worry. There's no excitement. I'm not in a hurry to have the baby so I can see it, I want this baby out so I know it's safe and ok. My biggest pet peeve is people telling me that everything will be ok. THEY ALL SAID THIS WITH HAILEY'S PREGNANCY. Yes, chances are everything will be ok but when you've been on the other side of the odds it's hard to really believe it because you know all too well that someone has to be that 1 or 2% and it's been you before.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Frustrated after OB appointment

I had the dates wrong and my OB appointment was today not yesterday. He was running an hour late for our appointment at 10:15 and then said that they normally do a non-stress test at 7days overdue as well as an ultrasound and because I'm now 5 days overdue he's going to TRY to book them for friday. He then said he'd send my papers into the hospital for an induction date and if I haven't heard anything then to call Monday when I'm 10 days overdue after 10am to see if they can fit me in.

I've really liked my OB up until today but it's almost like he had no idea about my chart. He could tell I was upset and told me not to worry about the labour part and they'd go over my options for pain when I got there. I told him I didn't care about the labour or delivery. He then asked what was wrong and I started crying and mentioned my fear about stillbirth. He said to not worry about it. It's rare and won't happen. I pointed out how rare the heart defect was and he then started talking about how the baby would be cleared by a paediatrician before leaving the hospital and would have an echo within the first month. He then said that a lot of the time they air on the side of caution with ultrasound results so everything was probably fine with the baby. I then said I was talking about my last pregnancy and he started talking about how common miscarriage is and that a lot of times there's a reason for it like a heart problem and that this baby seems to be healthy and everything should be fine. At that point I just wanted to get out of the office as he clearly had no idea what I was going on about and didn't seem to want to address any of my concerns, instead just brush them off as it's unlikely to happen so don't worry about it.

So at this stage I have no clear induction date, I have no tests to make sure baby is ok at the moment and only 2 days for them to try to fit me in. I'm so upset and frustrated and I'm starting to resent this baby. I JUST WANT IT OUT. I want to be done with pregnancy. I want to stop worrying and I just want to hold my baby safely in my arms.

Monday, July 25, 2011

False Labour

I had false labour last night. At around 10pm I was reading a book in bed when I got the first contraction. I got a little excited wondering if this would be the start but didn't want to get my hopes up. I thought something was a little off when I had the next contraction 4 minutes later. I then started timing them. They were a little erratic, between 3-5 minutes apart and lasting anywhere from 30-69 seconds. Being a first timer I didn't really know for sure if it was real or false labour but I've always said I'd stay at home as long as possible so there was no way I was going to the hospital to find out. I also didn't want to wake my mum as she works early mornings. We kept busy and decided that we'd install the car seat base so that when we do leave for the hospital we just have to grab the car seat on the way out the door and click it into place. The contractions stopped around 2am.

I'll be honest..... they hurt! I was telling Dan that although they were bearable I had to stop what I was doing and focus on trying to get past the pain. It would start in my abdomen and the pain would intensify and spread across my stomach and into my back. Around 1am I started to feel nauseous during the contractions. As much as it hurt and I know that pain will only get worse the further into labour I get I still can't wait. Every contraction I'm one step closer to meeting our baby!

Hopefully real labour will start very soon :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

40 weeks

How far along? 40 weeks 
Baby's size? Watermelon
Total Weight Gain: 50lbs It was 48 a few days ago so I'm assuming around 50 now

Bellybutton:  One little tiny part is sticking out depending on how the baby's lying. It looks so strange!
Stretchmarks: stomach, hips, legs (YAY!)
Maternity Clothes: Yup but they're starting to fit less comfortably.
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: The baby has quiet and active days but still enough movement on quiet days to not have to worry too much.
Sleep: Great! Must be the calm before the storm.
Symptoms: My back has started hurting the past few days but other then that I still feel great.
Food Aversions: Nothing
Food Cravings: Cherries
Best Moments this week: First week on Mat leave!!!! No need to get up at a certain time. Maybe that's why I'm sleeping better?
What I am Looking forward to: Labour

Well today's my due date. I'm pretty sure the baby won't come today and I fully expect to have to be induced. I've had a few rough days of worrying about all that can go wrong but yesterday I decided to start thinking more positive. All I've wanted the past few weeks is to get this baby out while everything's ok. While I still feel that way I've decided to embrace these last few days of pregnancy. Having pregnancies back to back I'm pretty much done for a LONG time. I'm thinking at least 3 years, more likely 5. I want to enjoy feeling the baby moving around as it'll be a while until I feel this again.

I had my OB appointment on Tuesday. Last week when I asked he said that they induce on 10 days overdue. We worked out that this would be a holiday Monday and asked this week how that would effect the plans. He said it wouldn't and that my hospital induces on weekends, even long weekends. I was wondering this as I know some of the smaller hospitals around here don't induce on weekends and I was worried I'd get pushed back a few days if there were several women who needed to be induced and had their day 10 on the Saturday or Sunday. Glad I no longer have to worry about that! He then mentioned that he may actually induce me a little early. Apparently the last few weeks my blood pressure has been going up. It's still normal, although high normal and with the stress I've been feeling about all that can go wrong it may be better to induce me a few days early. We'll discuss this at my next appointment on Tuesday. Either way on Tuesday we'll set up an induction date. I'm a little sad about this. As much as I want this baby out and healthy I've always wanted to experience going into labour naturally, but at the end of the day it's much safer to be induced then leave the baby in longer then necessary as the rate of stillbirth increases and this is what happened with Daniel's mother. (They let her go too far overdue and the day she went into hospital to be induced they couldn't find a heartbeat. If they'd induced her 12 hours earlier the baby may have survived as she'd felt movement during the night.)

So now that I'm getting really close I promise before I go to the hospital I'll write a quick update. I want to remember as much as possible about all the emotions and feelings of labour. I can't believe how excited I am to go into labour and experience the pain. I may regret feeling this way but it really is something I'm looking forward to.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

New baby in the family (not mine......yet)

Well my cousin who was due on the 14th had her baby on Monday. She had a girl, which we all knew before. While I'm happy for her I'm also a little sad, I'll get into that in a minute.

I can't remember if I mentioned before but my aunt is out visiting from Poland. She works as a teacher at international schools. I like seeing her but sometimes she can be really insensitive. She took my grandma and another aunt to the east coast for a bit of a holiday. My grandma in English and met my grandfather during the war. She's not considered a war bride as they only met on D day and my grandfather signed up to stay after the war was officially over and help rebuild. They also didn't get married in England. He came back to Canada and sent for her 6 months later. She came over on the ship with lots of war brides and because we live on the West coast had a nice LONG train ride across Canada. She's always wanted to go back to Halifax and see Pier 21 (which is where all the war brides landed.) She had a great time and they got back Wednesday to find my cousin had her baby.

We went over to visit and my aunt needed Dan's help with her new laptop.  Maybe it's just my hormones but I'm still quite upset with her comment. She asked me if I was jealous of my cousin. OF COURSE I AM. Let me just count the ways for you:
1- She's done being pregnant and having to worry about stillbirth and all that can go wrong in labour.
2- She had a girl
3- She had a healthy baby
4- She got to take that healthy baby home

I'm happy for her. I really am, it's just hard sitting here waiting and worrying. My anxiety has been bad the past few days. 3 years ago I went on anti-anxiety meds because I was getting really light headed and dizzy. My GP couldn't find a reason for it but with my wedding coming up and us buying a house she thought it was worth trying the meds to at least rule it out. They stopped how I was feeling and I only went off of them when I stopped taking birth control. I had a few days of feeling like that when I went off of them but for the most part have felt great since. This past week though is the most anxious I think I've ever felt. All I do is analyze every movement this baby makes and worry. We're so close to having our take home baby and I'm so scared something will go wrong. Needless to say I've now started to get dizzy again. Just to give you an idea of what it feels like, even when I'm laying down it feels like the room's spinning. I'm hoping and I'm pretty sure it'll go away after I have the baby.

Dan and I gave dates/ times and weight of when the baby will be born so I thought I'd share it with you:

Daniel- July 22nd (due date) 7.9lbs (or 3.6kg as he knows it) and at 17:40.

Me - Induced (no date as it all depends on how far over they let me go) 8.5lbs and at 23:05.

Secretly hoping Dan's right!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

38 weeks!

How far along? 38 weeks 
Baby's size? Watermelon
Total Weight Gain: I've stopped checking, it was making me too sad.

Bellybutton:  flat
Stretchmarks: stomach, hips and starting on me legs(??)
Maternity Clothes: Yup but they're starting to fit less comfortably.
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: Still moves a lot, but more at certain times of day. This baby already has a schedule!
Sleep: Better now the itchiness isn't as bad
Symptoms: Although I'm tired from not sleeping much I'm feeling surprisingly well. Getting more braxton hicks lately.
Food Aversions: Nothing
Food Cravings: Candy again
Best Moments this week: Dan telling me he now feels ready for me to have the baby (thanks!)
What I am Looking forward to: Hoping to meet the baby this week (wishful thinking??)

I had an OB appointment on Tuesday and I meant to go in and ask all my questions about labour but totally forgot. All I was concerned about was my itchiness! He gave me a different prescription for cream as this one is stronger with 2% cortisone instead of the 1%. It has  helped but it tends to only stop the itching for a few hours, which is better then nothing because at least I can sleep for a few hours before I wake up and can't fall back to sleep. I can only use it 2-3 times a day so I put some on first thing in the morning and right before I go to bed.  Unfortunately it has spread and I'm now getting itchy bumps on by my stretch marks on my sides. I've also started to get bumps on my legs and thighs which are itchy. Good thing the doctor gave me 60 mls and a repeat prescription! I've been surprised at how great I feel this late in the pregnancy. I worked my last Saturday today and only have 3 8 hr shifts this coming week before I start my maternity leave. 

I haven't really had any early labour symptoms, besides the odd backpain and period type cramps on and off. I still feel like this baby will be early and technically it still has just under 2 weeks to prove me right! Can't wait to hold and kiss this baby :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

37 weeks

How far along? 37 weeks 
Baby's size? Watermelon
Total Weight Gain: I've stopped checking, it was making me too sad.

Bellybutton:  Still in but it's getting closer. I've never been so creeped out by my belly button!
Stretchmarks: hips and stomach. So uncomfortable, I'll explain later.
Maternity Clothes: Yup but they're starting to fit less comfortably.
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: Still moves a lot, but more at certain times of day. This baby already has a schedule!
Sleep: Terrible
Symptoms: Although I'm tired from not sleeping much I'm feeling surprisingly well. Getting more braxton hicks lately.
Food Aversions: Nothing
Food Cravings: Candy again
Best Moments this week: Baby is now considered FULL TERM!!!!!!
What I am Looking forward to: My OB appointment tomorrow and hopefully finding out if things are progressing...

Well I was hoping losing my mucus plug would bring on labour but I'm just one of those lucky people who lose their plug weeks before birth :( I try to remind myself that as long as the baby stays healthy and everything's ok I should be happy and try not to rush it.

The past few weeks have been pretty bad. There's one main problem at the moment. I think I've develloped PUPPS. It started 2 weeks ago (around 35 weeks) and it started with my stretch marks being really itchy. As the days went on I started to notice bumps and the itchiness started turning into burning. I haven't slept much these past 2 weeks because it's hard enough falling asleep while being itchy but I'd wake up multiple times in the middle of the night hurting. NOTHING can touch my stomach or feels like it's on fire. I called my mum this weekend but she wasn't home and spoke to my aunt who was over visiting my grandma. I'd remembered that when children get chicken pox they use calamine lotion to alleviate the itching. I wanted her opinion if she thought this would be ok to use on my stomach. She didn't know and I told her I'd come over to show her my stomach. She took one look and took me to a clinic ( I haven't seen my OB since I was nearly 35 as he was on holidays last week when I was supposed to have an appointment so I've been waiting to see him and show him instead of going to a clinic and complaining about stretch marks.) When I showed him my stomach he immediately put me on a cordozone cream with antibiotic because while during the day I stratch my stomach over my clothes, I've found that at night I'll wake to find myself stractching and a few of the bumps had turned into sores which he thought may be starting to get infected. I must admit that the sores look a lot better after just 2 days of using the cream, but unfortunately it has not effected the itching at all. On advice from the doctor I've cut my nails so I basically have no nails and therefore will do less damage at night. REALLY hoping that my OB tomorrow will have something that works better. The thought of feeling like this for the next 3 possible up to 5 weeks makes me want to cry. It really sucks because besides the stomach issue I feel great! I'm surprised at how well I feel for 37.5 weeks pregnant and feel like at this stage if we get the PUPPS under control I could work right up until I go into labour.

By the way, just a little teaser. Apparently 70% of all PUPPS cases are boys, however we broke the odds with Hailey as HLHS is supposed to be more common in boys then girls. Am I setting a trend or is this baby a boy?? A few more weeks!