Friday, August 30, 2013

22/21 weeks

How far along? 22/21 weeks
Baby's size? Papaya/Pomegranate
Weight gain: starting pregnancy weight: 148.6 Now: 168.8 up 20.2 lbs
Stretch marks? I never got rid of my stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity clothes? Yup definitely. I recently went from medium to large in tops because it no longer covers all my belly.
Gender: Don't think we'll find out but I think it's a boy.
Movement: All the time! This baby moves around a lot!!!
Sleep: Insomnia has set in
Symptoms: Nothing other then my boobs are HUGE I'm going to have to use my nursing bras soon and I'm worried those wont fit in another 20 weeks.
Food aversions: The past couple days I haven't felt like eating much, but that's emotional not pregnancy related.
Food cravings: sweets
Best moments this week: Hearing and seeing the baby is healthy, finally filling out my maternity leave request
What I miss: Nothing, so thankful to be pregnant again
What I'm looking forward to: Actually having an official due date!

The ultrasound and echo went well. They did the ultrasound first and right away I told him I didn't want any idea what the sex of the baby was and last time with Lauren I had a pretty good idea she was a girl from when they measured the femur so I asked for him to tell me when he would do that measurement so I could look away. He told me he would and I said that it was ok if Dan found out the sex. He told me he couldn't tell him and that all he could do was write it down in the report. I asked him not to as I didn't want the doctor accidentally telling me thinking I knew. So neither of us know the sex. Dan watched when he did those measurements and has an idea but nothing that will be confirmed at the moment. Since we did the 3D ultrasound with Lauren we've decided that we have to do it again with this baby too so around 30 weeks Dan will be able to find out for sure.
The baby gave the ultrasound tech a hard time and after a while he went to get the doctor to finish and do the echo. The first thing the doctor did was show me the sub chorionic hematoma or clot as she described it. It is sitting right over my cervix and you could see the baby kicking at it. She told me to expect to bleed old blood again during this pregnancy. Since it's over my cervix I asked if this would effect me having a natural delivery and she said no, it shouldn't be an issue. I'm assuming as my cervix dilates the clot will come out, likely causing bleeding but I bled through my labour with Lauren so nothing new there. Otherwise everything looks good. The tech told me that the baby was measuring 21 weeks 6 days which is only one day off MY EDD. When I said that's what I thought because the scan said I ovulated 2 days before a positive pregnancy test he then said that no, he had my previous scan and the baby is pretty much measuring exactly where it should be based on that one. I'm really really confused with this. Based on my early ultrasound I should've been 20 weeks 2 days not 21 and 6. My next doctors appointment is September 16th so we will definitely be discussing the due date then. I just want a date!!!!
When I filled out my maternity leave form I left my due date as January 12th and my first day on leave as January 13th (monday). I figure I'd rather move it ahead then move it back. Since I'm only taking the 17 weeks maternity and Dan is taking the 35 weeks parental I would like to work as long as possible to the due date. I worked into my 39th week with Lauren and felt great so hopefully I can do that again this time.

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