Tuesday, August 6, 2013

17/18 weeks

How far along? 17/18 weeks
Baby's size? Onion/sweet potato
Total weight gain: Starting pregnancy weight: 148.6lbs  Now: 164.8 Up 16.2lbs
Bellybutton: In
Stretchmarks: I never got rid of the stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity Clothes: Nope
Gender: Don't think we'll find out but I think it's a boy
Movement: Occasional, little kicks sometimes too
Sleep: Ok
Symptoms: My boobs have been killing me and are SO sensitive which I never had with my other pregnancies
Food Aversions:None
Food Cravings: gummies
Best Moments this week: Not pregnancy related but Lauren turned 2!!!!!
What I miss: Nothing, so thankful to be pregnant again
What I am looking forward to: 3 weeks until the echo! Feeling a bit anxious now that it's in the month and technically I could've found out any time around now if I'd not decided to wait until 20/21 weeks.

16.2 lbs...... YIKES!!! I talked to dan yesterday and I'm pretty sure that my weight increase is due to him not getting home until 7. What I've been doing is eating a snack at 5 to hold me over until dinner at 7. Starting this week Lauren and I are going to eat around 6/6:30 and then keep it warm for Dan at 7:15. We'll still sit with him while he's eating his dinner so we sort of get a family meal. Hopefully this will slow down my weight loss but in the long run I'm currently at my starting weight with Lauren so in the end I'm trying not to focus too much on weight. I'm not worried about the weight loss after pregnancy, I plan on doing a mini triathlon in June and that'll get my into shape hopefully fairly quickly. Maybe I'm being a little too ambitious?

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