Sunday, July 28, 2013

16/17 weeks

How far along? 16/17 weeks
Baby's size? Avocado/Onion
Total weight gain: Starting pregnancy weight: 148.6lbs  Now: 159.6. Up 11lbs
Bellybutton: In
Stretchmarks: I never got rid of the stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity Clothes: Nope
Gender: Don't think we'll find out but I think it's a boy
Movement: Occasional, little kicks sometimes too
Sleep: Ok
Symptoms: My boobs have been killing me and are SO sensitive which I never had with my other pregnancies.
Food Aversions:None
Food Cravings: Chocolate and blueberries
Best Moments this week: Feeling the babe kick for the first time
What I miss: Nothing, so thankful to be pregnant again
What I am looking forward to: More frequent kicks!

I felt the baby kick for the first time on Saturday! The spotting has stopped and I'm starting to feel more confident of this pregnancy. Still checking the heart beat every Wednesday and Saturday and the only concern I have at the moment is that the heart beat seems to be dropping. 6 weeks ago at 10 weeks (their dates) the heartbeat was 180. Slowly its been decreasing and Monday it was down to 150. Today I noticed it was around 135, still within normal range but I'm a little concerned with it dropping so much. Maybe it's normal, I don't know but I can definitely tell just by listening that it's not as fast as it used to be or was with Lauren. I don't have another doctors appointment for 3 weeks. I may ask my doctor when I go for Lauren's appointment on Thursday. 
Which reminds me, there's an important post I have to start writing soon. Lauren will be 2 on Friday!!! Wow where has the time gone? Update coming soon on our rainbow baby.

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