Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I had my official dating ultrasound yesterday. I didn't have a baby sitter for Lauren since my mum had to take my grandmother to see the cardiologist at the same time but she was really well behaved.
The ultrasound went great. A little disappointed to find out I'm only 8 weeks today but all that really matters at the moment is that there's a good heartbeat of 180. I'll move my weekly posts to Tuesdays as that's now my date of changing weeks so no post this Friday.

I'll have my next doctors appointment on June 20th where they'll do another ultrasound to check that there's still a heartbeat. I was hoping to be further along and closer to 12 weeks at this appointment but I'll only be 10 weeks 2 days. Hopefully they'll be able to find it with the Doppler and then I'll get mine back at 12 weeks and that'll be the comfort I need. Uggh I must've found out the first possible day of getting a positive test, which is possible considering how faint the line was. Oh well, there's still a heartbeat!! Oh and my official due date I think is January 14th

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