Friday, June 14, 2013

11 weeks

How far along? 11 weeks
Baby's size? lime
Total weight gain: Starting pregnancy weight: 148.6lbs  Now: 150.2 Up 1.8lbs
Bellybutton: In
Stretchmarks: I never got rid of the stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity Clothes: Nope
Gender: Don't think we'll find out
Movement: None
Sleep: Terrible! I have a cold and have a hard time sleeping well at night but I've been taking naps with Lauren in the afternoon
Symptoms: I'm feeling pretty good symptom wise. I woke up 2 nights in a row earlier in the week feeling super nauseous so Dan got me a little bit of ginger ale to sip which helped but it only lasted 2 nights from 11-2am.
Food Aversions:None
Food Cravings: None
Best Moments this week: Heard the heartbeat today with the doppler!
What I miss: Nothing, so thankful to be pregnant again
What I am looking forward to: My doctors appointment Thursday

I've decided to go back to my guess of how far along I am. I get this date by adding 4 days to when I got my positive test since the earliest possible positive is 10dpo. I really really hope that the doctor listens to my concerns about the due date. In the end it doesn't matter too much for me right now how many weeks I am. Where I become concerned is near the end of the pregnancy. The discrepancy is 11 days. This means that if we go off what the ultrasound says I could potentially be going 21 days overdue before induction. Never will I let this happen. Dan's mum had a stillborn from going too overdue. If they refuse to induce me I will make sure the baby is monitored VERY closely but I do believe they will try other methods like sweeps which my OB last time refused to do. I'm hoping they will listen to me because the same thing happened with Lauren. My due date was changed due to an early ultrasound then changed back after an ultrasound done at 12 weeks. I guess we'll just have to wait until next week. There's no point worrying about it now, all that matters at this point is that there's a heartbeat seen or heard at the appointment.

Yesterday I asked for the doppler back from my friend who borrowed it. She said she'd bring it to work today and when we got to work she said she'd forgotten, that it was sitting next to her purse but her husband had moved the purse when he went to use her keys. I was a little pissed off considering she told me she was sad to let it go yesterday and we arranged for me to pick it up sometime this weekend. A few minutes later she also told us she was worried because she'd started spotting again this morning (she's 20 weeks) and had been so relieved to hear the heartbeat with the doppler. I thought about it for a few hours then went to her and said at this point in my pregnancy I'm fine with her keeping it a little longer especially considering she should be feeling movement within a few weeks. I don't want to obsess about the heartbeat and having the doppler around will make me use it more then I really want to. All I need at the moment is to hear the heartbeat. I don't want to listen to it every day I just need to know if it's there and then I'm good until my appointment Thursday where hopefully I'll hear the heartbeat again and then I'll be fine for another week. So I went over to her house this afternoon and after about 10 minutes was able to find the heartbeat. I didn't pay attention to how fast it was but it was definitely the baby and right near the placenta. I left and then when I was home was second guessing if that's really what I heard but I have the reassurance from my friend that yes, it was a baby heartbeat and too fast to be mine :)

Nearing the end of the first trimester. 2 more weeks and hopefully this is my last 11 week blog EVER!!!!! After hearing the heartbeat today I'm starting to get more optimistic that this pregnancy may work out. A few more weeks and then we can start worrying about the development of the heart. One step at a time though.

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