Saturday, June 9, 2012

10 months

Weight: 21.10 lbs
Height: 29in (73.66 cm)

I'm a little late writing this so I'm going to start of off with some news. Lauren is officially walking on her own! It's only started happening this week where she's gotten the courage to let go and walk away. My mother in law labeled her perfectly. Lauren is a wanderer. She doesn't really play with toys at the moment. She's happiest walking around. No where in particular she just walks around! It's really cute to watch her though.

-So this last month has been a busy one for Lauren. We went to Hawaii! Lauren had her first plane ride (2,3 and 4 as well) She did very well. The flights there were ok. I tried breastfeeding her during takeoff and landing but she was more interested in everything going on so I gave up. It was ok though because I don't think it bothered her ears at all.

-We spent a lot of our time at the outdoor pool because Lauren did not enjoy the beach, more specifically the ocean. She was really funny to watch because she loves the water and would walk towards it but start crying and getting upset when the water would come up to her. By the end she would cry walking up to the water because she knew what was going to happen.

-We went with my extended family on my mum's side and while we were waiting at the airport during our first lay over my cousins 3  year old was running around and Lauren was having so much fun chasing him. After a while she seemed to tire of dragging me around behind her so she let go of my hand and off she went. We always knew she could walk on her own if she was motivated enough and this proved that. She followed him on her own for a good 5 minutes. Chasing him however was the only time she'd let go of my finger and walk on her own.

-While we were gone Lauren got her 3rd tooth (first one on top!) She was so good I didn't even know it was coming in until I could see the bulge and it poked through the next day.

- Dan stayed home so this was Lauren's first time away from her Dad. She's spent the night at my mum's before but never longer away from either of us. It didn't seem to bother her at all until we got home and she refused to look at him! She had this priceless look on her face and just stared into the distance. It took Dan taking her for a "walk"  (aka lending a finger and letter her wander around) for her to even look at him.

- Lauren had altitude sickness. On our second day in Hawaii we decided that since we were still on a different time zone we'd get up at 2:30 and go watch the sunrise on top of a volcano. Unfortunately a few minutes after we hit 8000 ft Lauren started vomiting. This really scared me. She had been sleeping the whole time and suddenly woke up crying a different cry and then vomiting. Luckily we were just coming to a spot to pull over and since we took 2 vans my 2 aunts were able to switch vehicles and continue up while my mum, Lauren and I headed back. Thankfully she quickly fell back asleep and slept until we got back at 8 am.

I know altitude sickness is common for infants but it really did scare me. It brought back the heart fears. Because of Hailey's HLHS she could never had gone to such an altitude and my instinct when Lauren started vomiting was to check her pulse.

That's about it that's new this past month. We're planning a little mini holiday soon and I'm very interested in how it'll go but I'm also excited because we'll be visiting friends who have a daughter 3 days younger then Lauren and they're both at the same spot developmentally ( Hailey may actually be a little a head of Lauren.) Yup that's right. Their daughter's name is Hailey. I'm not quite sure how that's going to be but I'm trying not to think about it too much right now.

Here's some pictures from the past month
One of the first pics of Lauren walking on her own
Someone learned to climb the stairs!
Lauren and I our first morning in Hawaii
Lauren loved having her own hula monkey to play with
Watching the fish at the aquarium in Hawaii
Love the cheeky smile
It's a bad pic but this was the look on her face Lauren when she first saw Dan

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