Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June weight update

I thought I'd start updating my weight once a month. If you're interested and so you don't have to do back here's what my weights have been:

Pre pregnancy (Hailey) : 155lbs
Pre pregnancy (Lauren): 162lbs
40 weeks with Lauren: 215lbs
October 6th: 180.4lbs
March 4th: 155lbs
May 1st: 152lbs
May 16th: 148.6

June 13th: 

145 has always been my weight goal. When I realized that was within reach I decided to aim for 140. This would put me at a perfect 22 BMI. Now that it's within reach I'm thinking I want to get to 135. My reasoning is that my weight is going to fluctuate a little so getting to 135 allows a 5 lb give way. I know I'm doing exactly what I thought I'd do, go lower and lower as I reach each goal but I PROMISE I'll stop losing the weight when I get down to 135 and start maintaining instead of losing. I have to say watching the scale change has become a little addictive.

I was using the live strong website (free) to help with the weight loss when I first started but stopped when I reached 180. I've gone back to using it but changed my goal to losing a pound a week instead of 2 because I was trying to eat under the calorie limit and even at the calorie intake I'm at now I still have some left over most days. Here's a fairly normal day food wise:


1.5 slices whole wheat bread: 135 (I do 1.5 because we get our bread from COBS cut thick)
Natural peanut butter: 100
Jam: 50
1.5 cups tea: 19.5
Total Breakfast calories: 304.5


3 slices whole wheat bread: 270
margarine: 80
cheddar cheese: 117.9 (I cut my cheese then weigh it so I can add it in correctly)
ketchup: 30
tea: 13
Total Lunch: 510.9

Afternoon snack:
2 cookies: 140
1/2 can of coke: 70
Total snack: 210

2 servings chicken breast (who really eats only 4 oz of meat!): 260
3 servings butternut squash (my fav!): 120
1.5 mashed potatoes: 166.5
1% milk: 110
Total Dinner: 656.5

Evening snack:
1.5 cups 1% milk: 165

TOTAL CALORIES EATEN: 1847 (over my limit to lose 1 lb a week by 57 calories)

I went for a 45 minute run so that burned roughly 395 calories which leaves me with +338 calories remaining so I'm definitely not starving myself to lose the weight. I do however find that I don't snack as much as I would've because I know I have to put it in. I find writing it down leaves me more accountable and I'm so much more aware of what I'm actually eating and how much. This also doesn't take into account the extra calories I'm burning breastfeeding.

I went shopping for work out clothes Monday and before getting pregnant I was a large in pants, maybe a medium if they were being generous so I picked out mostly M's to try on with a few L's so I wouldn't have to ask for them if the mediums didn't fit (there's nothing worse then asking for a bigger size then you picked out originally.) The large's were HUGE and the the mediums were too big too. I can't remember the last time I fit into a small! I'm so proud of myself. I've started thinking a lot about having baby #3 and it's kind of funny to think that I'm losing all this weight just to gain it back again. I'm hoping now that we've had a healthy baby I'll be less of an emotional eater (wishful thinking?) Baby #3, we're thinking about not preventing in December and full on trying in March.

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