Thursday, June 14, 2012

Breaking the co sleeping habit night 4

9:05 I placed her in the crib after she finished nursing awake
9:20 went back in after she cried the full 15 minutes. I didn't want a repeat of last night so I laid down on the floor and gave her my hand through the bars to hold (no talking) and she fell back asleep around 9:40
1ish woke up, nursed her to sleep and went into the crib no problem.
5:15 nursed and while doing so noticed that she needed a diaper change. Unfortunately this wakes her up so I knew it was going to be a long morning. Placed her in the crib awake at 5:45 and walked out.
6am went in, laid her down and left
6:15 picked her up and rocked her in the chair (no nursing)
6:30 placed her in the crib asleep
8:30 she woke up for the day

Last night went 100 times better then the night before. Still need to work on the morning but if the next few nights are similar I think we've pretty much beat the habit. I'm wondering how it would've gone if she didn't need to have her diaper changed. Hoping tonight will be the final night I blog about this!

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