Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Breaking the co sleeping habit night 2

Lauren had another nap in the afternoon from 4-5 so she didn't go to bed until 9pm. She didn't fall asleep while feeding and seemed like she couldn't get comfortable in my arms so I laid her in the crib and she fell asleep on her own almost instantly. She woke up at 1am (I'm pretty sure she would've slept longer and that Dan woke her up on his way to bed) so I fed her and she was still awake when I put her back in her crib. She was crying when I walked out of the room but her crying lasted for less then 5 minutes!!!!

Now the dreaded morning feed. She woke up at 5:30 so by the time I fed her and she was back asleep it was 6am. If she keeps this timing it will actually work out perfect with my return to work as that's what time I'll have to start getting ready. We need her to go back to sleep though so Dan doesn't have to be up so early. She also needs the extra sleep. You can tell just by looking at her. If she was wide awake and not at all sleepy Dan would have to get up with her but we're breaking habits and I know that if I get her up at 6am she'll want to go back to sleep by 8am which becomes a problem with return to work.

She woke up when I put her back in the crib and she cried for 15 minutes. I asked Dan to go in because she was calling for me and I thought it would help so at 6:15 Dan went in and said that she was definitely tired but fighting sleep so he changed her in hopes that it would make her a little more comfortable. It didn't so he just laid her back in the crib and left at 6:30. I went in after 15 minutes of crying at 6:45 and decide I'd try my luck with feeding her to sleep ( I know we're trying to break that habit too but she didn't seem like she'd fall asleep otherwise.) She was asleep by 7 and stayed asleep when I put her back in the crib. She woke up for the morning at 8:50.

Night 2 = success. The middle of the night feeding went even better then yesterday. Hopefully we've now tackled that and the morning feeding will start getting better.

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