Wednesday, June 13, 2012

breaking the co sleeping habit night 3

Well unfortunately night 3 did not go as well as nights 1 and 2. I tried not to be upset because last night went how I'd expected this process to go. I was disappointed though because I'd heard it takes 3 nights to break a habit and with how well the first 2 nights went thought for sure we'd be set for a great night tonight. Now I'm not so sure. Here's how it went:

Lauren refused to take an afternoon nap yesterday. She'd fall asleep in my arms but the moment I put her in the crib she'd wake up and cry. So after trying for an hour (and refusing to nurse her after the first attempt) I just let her stay up.

7:30 she nursed to sleep and went down in the crib with no problems.
11:20 woke up. I nursed her and placed her back in the crib awake at 11:30 (she doesn't nurse for long at night and I'm pretty sure we could drop this feeding if we really wanted to)
11:33 she stopped crying (yay!)
11:38 Dan came to bed and the crying started (I was not happy with him at all!)
11:50 Dan went in to try to settle her
12am he left her room.
12:15 I went in, laid her down and left.
12:30 Dan went back in.
12:45 I went in
1am Dan went in
1:15 I went in and though maybe this isn't just I don't want to sleep on my own, maybe she wants something so I nursed her but she wouldn't sleep
1:30 I placed her back in the crib crying
1:45 Dan got up and changed her incase that was the problem then tried rocking her to sleep (she cried the whole time)
2:15 I got up and decided maybe it's her teeth bothering her (she's getting her second and I think 3rd top teeth) so we gave her tempra.
2:30 I nursed her back to sleep and placed her in the crib. She was still crying a little when I left the room and continued to cry on and off all night (no longer then 5 minutes each time.)
7:30 woke up (when our alarm went off since I left both doors open) and I nursed her back to sleep, no problems going back in the crib
9:15 got up for the day.

She's been pretty happy this morning but VERY clingy. Hopefully it was just her teeth bothering her and tonight will be a better night.

I've switched to drinking tea in the mornings instead of coffee but I must admit I stopped for an xl coffee at Tim Horton's this morning!

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