Monday, May 30, 2011

32 weeks

How far along? 32 weeks 
Baby's size? Squash
Total Weight Gain: I've stopped checking, it was making me too sad.

Bellybutton:  Still in but it's getting closer. I've never been so creeped out by my belly button!
Stretchmarks: On my hips and they just appeared overnight on the lower part of my stomach :(
Maternity Clothes: Yup but they're starting to fit less comfortably.
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: Lots of movement in the evenings. I think the baby reacts to my voice because while I've been studying for my test this past week the baby is always very active while I'm talking.
Sleep: I'm not sleeping that well anymore. Waking up a few times during the night and having a hard time getting back to sleep
Symptoms: Starting to get tired easier.
Food Aversions: Nothing
Food Cravings: Candy again
Best Moments this week: I take my final test for Biology tomorrow!
What I miss: I kinda miss the kicks and being able to see them. The baby moves around more but there's not as many big kicks and movements like there was a few weeks ago. The baby is starting to move slower, I'm assuming due to less space.
What I am Looking forward to: Ultrasound Thursday!

I was really tired last week. Monday was Victoria day and a holiday so I thought I'd pick up an extra shift on my day off and get paid for 6 days while only woking 5. It was REALLY hard working that extra day! For the past 6 or so weeks I've only been working 4 days a week, one of those being a 5 hour shift. I'm now regretting doing the same this week. It's only Monday and I'm exhausted. I'm sure the lack of sleep isn't helping. I mentioned to Dan that I was starting to think about going off on Maternity leave early (I'm thinking June 30 since July 1st is a holiday.) At the moment I have my last day as July 15th and my leave starts on the 18th. I did this because I really wanted to spend as much time with the baby as possible. I'm now starting to wonder if that's wishful thinking being at work until my 39th week. Dan just looked at me and said "you realize every day you go off early is another day we'll have to pay for daycare when you go back." Now not knowing Dan this sounds a bit harsh but it's quite funny. He really is THAT cheap! However when it comes down to it I know if I really felt like I needed to go off he would support me 100%. My mum told me that she'd take her vacation time next year the first few weeks I go back to work so she can spend some 1 on 1 time with the baby, save us a few weeks daycare and have the baby adjust to a different schedule.

I don't plan on being one of those mothers who always have to be around my baby. I want to always know where my baby is but I plan on letting my mum take the baby one night a week after a certain point. I've yet to decide when this point will come but I think it's good for the baby and myself to have some time apart. I can't be with the baby every second of the day and I'm hoping spending a few nights a month away from us and our house will be good for the baby adjusting to going to daycare and school. I'm hoping if you start a child young there won't be that separation anxiety when I have no choice and return to work. 

I'm so grateful and know how lucky I am to get a year maternity leave. I can't wait to meet this baby and start our lives as a little family :)

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