Sunday, May 8, 2011

29 weeks

How far along? 29 weeks 
Baby's size? Squash
Total Weight Gain: I've stopped checking, it was making me too sad. 

Bellybutton:  Still in but it's getting closer. I've never been so creeped out by my belly button!
Stretchmarks: Still only on my hips
Maternity Clothes: Yup
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: Lots
Sleep: Pretty good but I've been waking up at 3am and staying awake for an hour.
Symptoms: Starting to get tired easier.
Food Aversions: Not really into red meat at the moment
Food Cravings: Popcorn this week.
Best Moments this week: My normal ultrasound and a 3D one this weekend.
What I miss: Nothing
What I am Looking forward to: My sister's wedding on Saturday :)

This past week my anxiety about this pregnancy has been quite high. I don't know why. The baby is healthy and they are monitoring me as close as they can but I'm just so scared something will go wrong. As much as it was nice to see the baby in 3D, the first time we went the baby was playing with the umbilical cord (which I didn't like, but I know that they do) and then this time when she first started it she was saying the baby had the cord in it's mouth. I've just sat here trying to find a picture to put up and I find myself analyzing every picture to see where the cord is because from her reaction and the look of the pics it kinda looks like the cord is around the neck. I'm probably just freaking myself out. I have to admit now that I'm past the stage of worrying about the heart. My biggest fear now is stillbirth. I just wish I could hurry up and be done with the pregnancy. I just want this baby safely in my arms.

I think part of the reason why I'm so emotional is because although this is now my second mother's day since Hailey it really should've been my first with her. My mind then goes back to how different things should've been today it would've been like if she were healthy and here. We have group tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to talking about her and how the past few weeks have been with people who understand and have just been through their first mother's day with their child too.

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