Thursday, March 3, 2011


I went to pick up the requisitions for all the ultrasounds I'll be having done every 2 weeks. Turns out it's not really to check my cervix (although they will with the scan.) Here's what the requisitions say:

EXAM REQUESTED: OB scan-biophysical profile, cervix
RELEVANT HISTORY: Previous pregnancy had hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Will be having detailed scan at Women's hospital on March 8, but will need q2weekly scans as per the request by maternal fetal med, with biophysical profile and cervix length.
REASON FOR EXAM: Assessment of fetal health

This makes me REALLY happy. Not only do I now know there's nothing to worry about with my cervix I also feel a huge relief knowing that they will be making sure the baby is ok and healthy every 2 weeks. As I've said before my biggest fear isn't necessarily having another HLHS baby, it's losing this baby any possible way. This will help me cope with me anxieties and hopefully help the time left in the pregnancy go faster.

I now also know it wasn't my gp but fetal maternal medicine from the hospital who requested it and it really makes me feel so lucky to have the OB care I've had from the hospital, not just with this pregnancy but with Hailey's as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome!!! im so glad they are being so thurrow (sp) with this pregnancy
