Monday, March 21, 2011

22 Weeks

How far along? 22 weeks 
Baby's size? Papaya
Total Weight Gain: 16 lbs.... 178 lbs now.

Bellybutton:  In although not as deep as it was...
Stretchmarks: The colour's starting to come back in the ones from Hailey's pregnancy (on my hips)
Maternity Clothes: Yup
Gender:  I caved! Not allowed to say though
Movement: Lots!
Sleep: Pretty good
Symptoms: Finally enjoying the second trimester
Food Aversions: None!
Food Cravings: Candy
Best Moments this week: Seeing the baby at 3D ultrasound
What I miss: Nothing
What I am Looking forward to: I have my next ultrasound at the hospital this Wednesday

So we did the 3D ultrasound on Sunday. I still find it creepy but most admit I'm really glad we did it. I now have video of the baby moving around and kicking me! We've booked the second one for when I'm 31 weeks. I also gave in and found out the sex. I'm happy with this decision too although I stress a little wondering what if she got it wrong! I'm not very good at lying so when someone asks if we know what it is I say Dan found out. Technically not lying but you'd be able to tell from my face if I said no. As far as I know none of my friends or family know about this blog but just incase Dan has said I'm not allowed to post on here what it is (which I find really annoying and frustrating.) We'd already picked out our names for both sexes, although you never know that may change. At the moment it's Jackson for a boy and Makayla for a girl (we're still working on the spelling for Makayla and I've just asked Dan about the spelling and he says the name Makayla is too hard to try to spell.....??) We took flowers flowers to the grave today. I picked a pink one for me, a different pink one for the baby and Dan chose an orange one. I've been feeling a little guilty lately about being pregnant again. Here's a pic of the baby in 3D. Apparently the baby spent most of the time playing with the umbilical cord which I know is normal but really freaks me out.

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