Thursday, June 24, 2010

Home again

It's been a few days since we got back from Australia. For some reason this time the jetlag is killing me! Today will be my third day back at work. I'm so lucky to have a job that I like and don't hate going to everyday. The hard part now is the gossip. I'd been honest about what was happening because I wanted to prevent gossip. My boss also told all the people I'd worked with while I was pregnant so there were no questions about why I was gone for 2 months and was no longer pregnant. Well there are quite a few labs in the company and I've gone back to moving around between them. On Tuesday, my first day back I was working at one which I wasn't at while I was pregnant and was looking forward to being viewed as "normal". No questions about what happened, no hugs or people telling me how sorry they are. I could just be like any other person and no one would have to know what I was really going through. Well one of the ladies there asked me how many people knew about what happened. This surprised me because although I didn't hide anything I knew my boss hadn't told them. Then she told me that they didn't know until Monday when one of the girls working who also moves around told them. This makes me angry because all I had told her was that we had gone for tests and the baby had HLHS. So I don't know what exactly she said or how accurate it was. I plan on sending her an e-mail today asking her to please not gossip about it and yes I haven't kept it a secret, but I feel that I should have the choice about who does and doesn't know what happened and how much I want to tell them.

I start work in 1.5 hours and I think I'll take a quick 30 minute nap.

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