Friday, November 1, 2013

30 weeks

How far along? 30 weeks
Baby's size? Cucumber

Weight gain: 
Starting Pregnancy weight: 148.6 Now: 180.0 Up 31.4 lbs 
Stretch marks? 
I never got rid of my stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity clothes? 
Yup, definitely
Gender:  Not finding out
All the time
Sleep: Pretty good at the moment. This baby doesn't sit on my bladder so I never wake up to pee, it's more waking up to readjust and get comfortable.

Nothing really
Food aversions: Nothing
Food cravings: Mandarin oranges
Best moments this week: Just normal feeling baby move
What I miss: Nothing, so thankful to be pregnant again
What I'm looking forward to: Continuing with the group

It's been a pretty good week. The baby had a quiet day on Wednesday and it made me nervous. I noticed around 9am that I hadn't felt any movements since waking at 6am so I had some apple juice to see if that would wake the baby up. It didn't so on my coffee break I went to get a cup of coffee and drank it slowly over the next few hours. There were a few movements but nothing at all normal or frequent. I had decided that if the baby didn't start becoming more active by 7pm I would go to the hospital to make sure everything was ok. I didn't want to poke the baby or anything like that because I was worried it would be false movements and the baby was just responding to pressure. I thought that having the drinks and having it go through the placenta to encourage movement would show that the placenta was working too but the baby really did have a lazy day and wasn't very active at all. Around 4pm it started to move more frequently, enough for me to no longer worry about going to the hospital in a few hours and around 7:30 it started kicking up a storm. The movements have gone back to normal so I'm not concerned at all.
That's pretty much it for the week. Next appointment isn't until the 12th and I've got a few questions I'm starting to prepare. This is the last 4 week stretch of appointments! After this one they move to every 2 weeks!!!! 10 weeks until due date! Can't wait until next week when we're in the single digits.

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