Saturday, November 16, 2013

32 weeks

How far along? 32 weeks
Baby's size? Squash

Weight gain: 
Starting Pregnancy weight: 148.6 Now: 15.0 Up 36.4 lbs 
Stretch marks? 
I never got rid of my stretch marks from Hailey and Lauren
Maternity clothes? 
Yup, definitely L pants and going into XL shirts to accommodate the growing belly
Gender:  Not finding out
All the time
Sleep: Pretty good at the moment. This baby doesn't sit on my bladder so I never wake up to pee, it's more waking up to readjust and get comfortable.

Braxton Hicks
Food aversions: Nothing
Food cravings: Mandarin oranges
Best moments this week: Just normal feeling baby move
What I miss: Nothing, so thankful to be pregnant again
What I'm looking forward to: Holding this baby in my arms

Less then 2 months to go!!! I've been taken off work. My last day was Nov. 7th. I decided it was for the best because of the pains I was having. I'm not sure if they were just really painful braxton hicks but I suspect they were contractions since they'd spread around my tummy to my back and were quite painful. They'd start 45 minutes into my work day and come roughly every 10 minutes lasting for 45-60 seconds. I'd have around 6 every hour until a few hours after work when they'd start to die down. Since I've been off they've all but gone away. I'll get the occasional one when I'm stressed but otherwise just the normal braxton hicks with the painless yet uncomfortable tightening. I also started to get mild carpal tunnel. I noticed it a few months ago. I'd wake up in the middle of the night to find my left hand numb. This was odd since I was sleeping on my right side so it's not like it wasn't getting circulation. Over time it started happening randomly through the day. I'm not sure if this is normal but it's random what part of my hand goes numb. Sometimes it's just my fingertips, sometimes it's certain fingers and other times it's goes up the side of my hand to my pinky finger tip. It started happening numerous times a day and since I work with needles I thought it was best for this reason as well to go off. My doctor suggested getting a brace but is there really any point in spending that money if it should go away after pregnancy? We're going to try going off on short term disability through my work since that's 75% of my pay and if that gets denied and I can't talk them into it over the phone I'll go off my sick ei which is 55% of my pay. It sucks because while we've managed to save it would've been nice to have an extra 2 months to put some money aside. I'm not too stressed money wise at the moment. I've got 4.5 mortgage payments put aside which will last until January 17th and after that we can dip into our other savings (which I'd really rather not do). My mum has also said she's going to give us some money to put aside and use if we need. That way we don't have to ask and can pay her back when we no longer need to worry. I really appreciate this because while I would ask if we needed, it would be very hard to admit to my parents that we're struggling to pay bills and ask for help. The main issue financially with going off early is that I have to take a week unpaid from work until std kicks in and then get the forms, have the doctor fill them out and wait to see if they're approved. I expect this to take 3-4 weeks. If I'm denied I then have to go back to the doctor and get them to fill out a sick ei form, fill out that paperwork and wait anywhere up to 8 weeks to receive my first payment from the date of submission. That means we could be on one income for 3 months. With our savings in reality it's not a big deal because we'll get a portion (75-55%) back in a large chunk it's just having that money there at the time to get us by. I don't know how people who live paycheque to paycheque get by while on maternity leave and am so thankful we are able to save a little each month and have the support of our family if we need it.

This baby can stay in for another 5 weeks, then I'll start doing as much as I can to get things moving along. I would prefer not to have another 10 days past due date induction. I'd love to go into labour naturally for my final pregnancy. What a great way to end our difficult journey. I'm trying to appreciate all these little movements and moments of pregnancy while I can knowing that this will be the last time I am ever going to experience this again. 
My weight has also started creeping up these past few weeks. Honestly I'm not concerned. Again because this is my last pregnancy I'm just going with it. I managed to lose it all plus extra with Lauren and fully expect to do the same this time. I've got a plan in place to train for a mini triathlon in July and have decided to just enjoy these last few weeks with as little stress as possible on the weight issue. I'll deal with that when the time comes after the baby is born.

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