Sunday, June 17, 2012

Breaking the co sleeping habit final post!

I'm happy to say I think we've officially broken the habit! Friday night was a fairly easy night with just a little bit of crying and last night was fantastic. She's even dropped a feeding! Here's how last night went and Friday night was similar.

I went out last night so Dan was in charge of putting Lauren to bed.
9pm She had her bottle then fell asleep in his arms. No problems putting her in the crib.
12am she woke up when I got home. Dan went in while I was pumping and offered her a bottle which she didn't want, just a quick cuddle and she was back asleep.
3am nursed her back to sleep. No problems going back into the crib
7am woke for the day.

I can't believe how easy this process was. We only really had that one bad night and it's now so much nicer having her in her own room. We've been careful not to let her spend much time on our bed too so she doesn't get used to being in there again, even if she is awake.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Breaking the co sleeping habit night 4

9:05 I placed her in the crib after she finished nursing awake
9:20 went back in after she cried the full 15 minutes. I didn't want a repeat of last night so I laid down on the floor and gave her my hand through the bars to hold (no talking) and she fell back asleep around 9:40
1ish woke up, nursed her to sleep and went into the crib no problem.
5:15 nursed and while doing so noticed that she needed a diaper change. Unfortunately this wakes her up so I knew it was going to be a long morning. Placed her in the crib awake at 5:45 and walked out.
6am went in, laid her down and left
6:15 picked her up and rocked her in the chair (no nursing)
6:30 placed her in the crib asleep
8:30 she woke up for the day

Last night went 100 times better then the night before. Still need to work on the morning but if the next few nights are similar I think we've pretty much beat the habit. I'm wondering how it would've gone if she didn't need to have her diaper changed. Hoping tonight will be the final night I blog about this!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June weight update

I thought I'd start updating my weight once a month. If you're interested and so you don't have to do back here's what my weights have been:

Pre pregnancy (Hailey) : 155lbs
Pre pregnancy (Lauren): 162lbs
40 weeks with Lauren: 215lbs
October 6th: 180.4lbs
March 4th: 155lbs
May 1st: 152lbs
May 16th: 148.6

June 13th: 

145 has always been my weight goal. When I realized that was within reach I decided to aim for 140. This would put me at a perfect 22 BMI. Now that it's within reach I'm thinking I want to get to 135. My reasoning is that my weight is going to fluctuate a little so getting to 135 allows a 5 lb give way. I know I'm doing exactly what I thought I'd do, go lower and lower as I reach each goal but I PROMISE I'll stop losing the weight when I get down to 135 and start maintaining instead of losing. I have to say watching the scale change has become a little addictive.

I was using the live strong website (free) to help with the weight loss when I first started but stopped when I reached 180. I've gone back to using it but changed my goal to losing a pound a week instead of 2 because I was trying to eat under the calorie limit and even at the calorie intake I'm at now I still have some left over most days. Here's a fairly normal day food wise:


1.5 slices whole wheat bread: 135 (I do 1.5 because we get our bread from COBS cut thick)
Natural peanut butter: 100
Jam: 50
1.5 cups tea: 19.5
Total Breakfast calories: 304.5


3 slices whole wheat bread: 270
margarine: 80
cheddar cheese: 117.9 (I cut my cheese then weigh it so I can add it in correctly)
ketchup: 30
tea: 13
Total Lunch: 510.9

Afternoon snack:
2 cookies: 140
1/2 can of coke: 70
Total snack: 210

2 servings chicken breast (who really eats only 4 oz of meat!): 260
3 servings butternut squash (my fav!): 120
1.5 mashed potatoes: 166.5
1% milk: 110
Total Dinner: 656.5

Evening snack:
1.5 cups 1% milk: 165

TOTAL CALORIES EATEN: 1847 (over my limit to lose 1 lb a week by 57 calories)

I went for a 45 minute run so that burned roughly 395 calories which leaves me with +338 calories remaining so I'm definitely not starving myself to lose the weight. I do however find that I don't snack as much as I would've because I know I have to put it in. I find writing it down leaves me more accountable and I'm so much more aware of what I'm actually eating and how much. This also doesn't take into account the extra calories I'm burning breastfeeding.

I went shopping for work out clothes Monday and before getting pregnant I was a large in pants, maybe a medium if they were being generous so I picked out mostly M's to try on with a few L's so I wouldn't have to ask for them if the mediums didn't fit (there's nothing worse then asking for a bigger size then you picked out originally.) The large's were HUGE and the the mediums were too big too. I can't remember the last time I fit into a small! I'm so proud of myself. I've started thinking a lot about having baby #3 and it's kind of funny to think that I'm losing all this weight just to gain it back again. I'm hoping now that we've had a healthy baby I'll be less of an emotional eater (wishful thinking?) Baby #3, we're thinking about not preventing in December and full on trying in March.

breaking the co sleeping habit night 3

Well unfortunately night 3 did not go as well as nights 1 and 2. I tried not to be upset because last night went how I'd expected this process to go. I was disappointed though because I'd heard it takes 3 nights to break a habit and with how well the first 2 nights went thought for sure we'd be set for a great night tonight. Now I'm not so sure. Here's how it went:

Lauren refused to take an afternoon nap yesterday. She'd fall asleep in my arms but the moment I put her in the crib she'd wake up and cry. So after trying for an hour (and refusing to nurse her after the first attempt) I just let her stay up.

7:30 she nursed to sleep and went down in the crib with no problems.
11:20 woke up. I nursed her and placed her back in the crib awake at 11:30 (she doesn't nurse for long at night and I'm pretty sure we could drop this feeding if we really wanted to)
11:33 she stopped crying (yay!)
11:38 Dan came to bed and the crying started (I was not happy with him at all!)
11:50 Dan went in to try to settle her
12am he left her room.
12:15 I went in, laid her down and left.
12:30 Dan went back in.
12:45 I went in
1am Dan went in
1:15 I went in and though maybe this isn't just I don't want to sleep on my own, maybe she wants something so I nursed her but she wouldn't sleep
1:30 I placed her back in the crib crying
1:45 Dan got up and changed her incase that was the problem then tried rocking her to sleep (she cried the whole time)
2:15 I got up and decided maybe it's her teeth bothering her (she's getting her second and I think 3rd top teeth) so we gave her tempra.
2:30 I nursed her back to sleep and placed her in the crib. She was still crying a little when I left the room and continued to cry on and off all night (no longer then 5 minutes each time.)
7:30 woke up (when our alarm went off since I left both doors open) and I nursed her back to sleep, no problems going back in the crib
9:15 got up for the day.

She's been pretty happy this morning but VERY clingy. Hopefully it was just her teeth bothering her and tonight will be a better night.

I've switched to drinking tea in the mornings instead of coffee but I must admit I stopped for an xl coffee at Tim Horton's this morning!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Breaking the co sleeping habit night 2

Lauren had another nap in the afternoon from 4-5 so she didn't go to bed until 9pm. She didn't fall asleep while feeding and seemed like she couldn't get comfortable in my arms so I laid her in the crib and she fell asleep on her own almost instantly. She woke up at 1am (I'm pretty sure she would've slept longer and that Dan woke her up on his way to bed) so I fed her and she was still awake when I put her back in her crib. She was crying when I walked out of the room but her crying lasted for less then 5 minutes!!!!

Now the dreaded morning feed. She woke up at 5:30 so by the time I fed her and she was back asleep it was 6am. If she keeps this timing it will actually work out perfect with my return to work as that's what time I'll have to start getting ready. We need her to go back to sleep though so Dan doesn't have to be up so early. She also needs the extra sleep. You can tell just by looking at her. If she was wide awake and not at all sleepy Dan would have to get up with her but we're breaking habits and I know that if I get her up at 6am she'll want to go back to sleep by 8am which becomes a problem with return to work.

She woke up when I put her back in the crib and she cried for 15 minutes. I asked Dan to go in because she was calling for me and I thought it would help so at 6:15 Dan went in and said that she was definitely tired but fighting sleep so he changed her in hopes that it would make her a little more comfortable. It didn't so he just laid her back in the crib and left at 6:30. I went in after 15 minutes of crying at 6:45 and decide I'd try my luck with feeding her to sleep ( I know we're trying to break that habit too but she didn't seem like she'd fall asleep otherwise.) She was asleep by 7 and stayed asleep when I put her back in the crib. She woke up for the morning at 8:50.

Night 2 = success. The middle of the night feeding went even better then yesterday. Hopefully we've now tackled that and the morning feeding will start getting better.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Breaking our co sleeping habit

Lauren, Dan and I co sleep. This happened by accident and has been a very hard habit to break. I'm not against co sleeping but it doesn't work well for us. Dan and I don't spend a lot of time together during the day and we like to cuddle up in bed together and that's a little hard to do with a baby between us. Also Lauren likes to cuddle up next to me so I feel like I have absolutely no space and most nights am hugging the side of our bed. When Lauren was around 4 months she started waking up at 5am and I'd have a very hard time getting her back to sleep. I discovered that if I brought her back to bed with me she'd sleep another 2-3 hours and really who wouldn't rather sleep until 7am instead of 5am! Then Lauren caught a bad cold in April and was sleeping in our bed because I had to prop her up so she could breathe. Ever since we've been battling the co sleeping habit so I thought I'd do a series of posts on our efforts to break this.

Lauren's always had issues falling asleep and as frustrated as I get I do feel bad for her because I'm pretty sure I have given this to her. I'm a terrible sleeper and have never been able to just fall asleep right away so I try my best to have patience with her lack of sleeping at night. She'll sleep in her crib for naps (I should clarify. At the moment I'm still nursing her to sleep in the rocker and then placing her in the crib.) She does wake up a little when I transfer to the crib but I've found if I place her on her side she'll go back to sleep right away. So naps aren't an issue, even bedtime isn't normally an issue. It's the middle of the night that we struggle with. I've also been thinking with my return to work next month we should probably start working on getting her to fall asleep on her own. Here's Lauren's schedule night schedule:

Bed time: 7-8. We're a little flexible with this as Lauren doesn't always have an afternoon nap so some              days she's more tired then others.

Wakes between 11-12 for her first feeding.

Wakes again between 3-4 for second feeding

7:30 am wakes up for the day

She normally ends up in our bed after that 11-12 feeding. It's not from lack of trying. I'll put her in the crib like I do with her naps but she'll wake up and not go back to sleep. I'll try sitting beside the crib holding her hand and singing to her then pick her up and rock her to sleep to try again. After 3 failed attempts she ends up in our bed and happily falls asleep almost instantly.

Last night was night 1 of breaking this habit. Here's how it went:

We went over to our friends place for dinner and didn't get home until 8. Lauren wasn't ready for bed at all since she had a much needed nap from 4-5 so we got her all ready for bed then let her stay up and video chatted with Dan's parents. At 9:30 she was definitely ready for bed. I fed her to sleep but when I placed her in the crib she woke up and started crying. I told her she was ok, I loved her and then walked out. She was FURIOUS. We let her cry for 15 minutes then Dan went in and tried rocking her to sleep but she kept trying to get away and after eye gauging him twice he did the same as me and put her back in the crib and walked out. 10 pm I went in and she was standing in her crib so I laid her back down, told her she was ok and I loved her then walked out. 10:15 Dan went in and he told me she was standing so he picked her up and she instantly fell asleep in his arms. He placed her in the crib asleep and walked out.

She woke up at 2:15ish which was really unusual for her. I went in, picked her up and fed her. When she was asleep I placed her back in the crib and walked out. She woke up 10 minutes later (which is what she does if for some reason she doesn't wake up when we put her in her crib) so instead of going back in I let her try to fall back asleep on her own. I was very surprised because she never really cried. She just babbled to herself and within 10 minutes there was silence. I tossed and turned all night because I was so worried if she was ok but I wouldn't allow myself to go in to check on her (if I would've she'd have woken up.)

We woke up to the alarm going off at 7:30 and silence from Lauren's room. Dan heard her thumping her feet at 8 am and went to go get her. Apparently she looked at him, rolled over and fell back asleep. She woke up again at 8:30 happy.

Night 1 = SUCCESS

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was expecting a whole lot more crying. Hopefully night 2 will go just as well or even easier.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

10 months

Weight: 21.10 lbs
Height: 29in (73.66 cm)

I'm a little late writing this so I'm going to start of off with some news. Lauren is officially walking on her own! It's only started happening this week where she's gotten the courage to let go and walk away. My mother in law labeled her perfectly. Lauren is a wanderer. She doesn't really play with toys at the moment. She's happiest walking around. No where in particular she just walks around! It's really cute to watch her though.

-So this last month has been a busy one for Lauren. We went to Hawaii! Lauren had her first plane ride (2,3 and 4 as well) She did very well. The flights there were ok. I tried breastfeeding her during takeoff and landing but she was more interested in everything going on so I gave up. It was ok though because I don't think it bothered her ears at all.

-We spent a lot of our time at the outdoor pool because Lauren did not enjoy the beach, more specifically the ocean. She was really funny to watch because she loves the water and would walk towards it but start crying and getting upset when the water would come up to her. By the end she would cry walking up to the water because she knew what was going to happen.

-We went with my extended family on my mum's side and while we were waiting at the airport during our first lay over my cousins 3  year old was running around and Lauren was having so much fun chasing him. After a while she seemed to tire of dragging me around behind her so she let go of my hand and off she went. We always knew she could walk on her own if she was motivated enough and this proved that. She followed him on her own for a good 5 minutes. Chasing him however was the only time she'd let go of my finger and walk on her own.

-While we were gone Lauren got her 3rd tooth (first one on top!) She was so good I didn't even know it was coming in until I could see the bulge and it poked through the next day.

- Dan stayed home so this was Lauren's first time away from her Dad. She's spent the night at my mum's before but never longer away from either of us. It didn't seem to bother her at all until we got home and she refused to look at him! She had this priceless look on her face and just stared into the distance. It took Dan taking her for a "walk"  (aka lending a finger and letter her wander around) for her to even look at him.

- Lauren had altitude sickness. On our second day in Hawaii we decided that since we were still on a different time zone we'd get up at 2:30 and go watch the sunrise on top of a volcano. Unfortunately a few minutes after we hit 8000 ft Lauren started vomiting. This really scared me. She had been sleeping the whole time and suddenly woke up crying a different cry and then vomiting. Luckily we were just coming to a spot to pull over and since we took 2 vans my 2 aunts were able to switch vehicles and continue up while my mum, Lauren and I headed back. Thankfully she quickly fell back asleep and slept until we got back at 8 am.

I know altitude sickness is common for infants but it really did scare me. It brought back the heart fears. Because of Hailey's HLHS she could never had gone to such an altitude and my instinct when Lauren started vomiting was to check her pulse.

That's about it that's new this past month. We're planning a little mini holiday soon and I'm very interested in how it'll go but I'm also excited because we'll be visiting friends who have a daughter 3 days younger then Lauren and they're both at the same spot developmentally ( Hailey may actually be a little a head of Lauren.) Yup that's right. Their daughter's name is Hailey. I'm not quite sure how that's going to be but I'm trying not to think about it too much right now.

Here's some pictures from the past month
One of the first pics of Lauren walking on her own
Someone learned to climb the stairs!
Lauren and I our first morning in Hawaii
Lauren loved having her own hula monkey to play with
Watching the fish at the aquarium in Hawaii
Love the cheeky smile
It's a bad pic but this was the look on her face Lauren when she first saw Dan